III: I Heard A Kiss From You

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry Rick," Carol scoffed, added a glare in my direction, and strolled away.

"Rick," Shane began, and I sharply cut his ass off.

"Shane, how bad is this?"

"I was on a conference call with Chen, Marshall, Vogel, and Myers, all the sudden those crazy bitches Andrea and Jessica storm in giving me an ultimatum."

"That's what the little mute button is for Walsh," I pointed my finger onto his chest to emphasize my point.

"I had no time, as soon as I told those stupid whores to fuck off, they both started having hissy-fits, throwing shit at me, breaking shit; Carol took forever calling security, instead of pulling those rabid beavers off me, she sat at her desk eating a fucking tuna fish sandwich the entire time."

I held in a brief chuckle, picturing the spectacle. My amusement quickly faded. Shane is holding something back.

"You didn't answer my question, how bad is it?"

"I may be able to get Vogel back, the rest of them are on board." His tone was too nonchalant and it pissed me off.

"What do you mean you may be able to Vogel back?" I felt my blood pressure steady elevating, "You do realize Vogel was one of our biggest investors."

He gulped, his eyes focused on the vein rising on my forehead.

"Well, I got everyone back on the conference call, I presented the proposal, we discuss contribution numbers, profits and everyone was on board...Everyone except Vogel. He called me back and said he was offended by what he heard and started preaching to me about morals and scruples, and all that bullshit, not sure I can win him back..."

He shrugged and I about lost it.

"Win him back, we need his money," I whispered in a deep breath. I took a step back and distanced myself from him, the urge to punch him was tempting.

"He said I need Jesus and he wants me to go to church with him and his family." Shane let his eyes roll and he shrugged his shoulders again.

The image of Shane in a church was hilarious, but I was too pissed off at this point to even laugh on the inside, "Then go, get baptized, join the choir, get ordained, whatever it takes to win him back!"

Shane's eyes widen at my response, he knew that's what he had to do. He'd always be my friend, but this is his job and I expect him to deliver. Shane's commitment is unquestionable, He immediately called Mark Vogel on my office phone. I was impressed, he's actually going to go to drive all the way to Tacoma and go to church with Mark, his wife Karen, and their twin boys.

Before I left the office, I got more bad news. My other business partner and district manager Spencer Monroe would be out for a week or so, his wife was in a terrible car accident while visiting her family in Portland, he'll be out of town for several weeks to be at her side. I gave him my best wishes and ordered flowers for his wife.

By the time I left the office, I was in full panic mode. Tomorrow is open interviews for the latest store opening. Now, that Spencer is out, I'll have to spend my entire day tomorrow helping the General Manager interview people for the store that's scheduled to open in two weeks.

Luckily after that, things got a little better. My cousin, Aaron, stopped by, as he often does. Aaron Ross is related to me from my mother's side. Out of my five cousins, Aaron and I have the most in common, we're the same age, the only child, and still single. He's lived in Seattle most of his life and that is the reason I chose Seattle for my 'start over' place. As kids, we spent every Thanksgiving and Christmas together. He's also my silent business partner and investor.

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