After a short car ride the four arrive, and Cosmo, greets them. "Keith and Hunk are already here then?" They walk up the steps and knock on the door, Pidge readjusts Marco on her hip. "Katie! Veronica! Axcia! Leo! Welcome" Curtis greets, hugging each one as they walk in. There where more than just Hunk and Keith in the kitchen, Romelle, Coran, Shay, and Krolia where there too. "Mama why is that lady purple?" Leo whispers, "the same reason Axcia is blue."
Leo's eyes widen, "there's more aliens?"

They walk into the kitchen, getting hugs from everyone. "Number five! You have a little one?" Coran and Romelle had been on Altea for almost six years. The older Altean asks if he could hold Leo, "can I poke your face?" The tan boy responds, Romelle and Coran Laugh. Romelle had Destiny in her arms, she was a year younger than him.

"We'll let you catch up." Was said and the paladins where left in the kitchen, "Pidge oh my God I missed you!" Hunk starts sniffling, hugging the shorter once again. "How have you been?" Keith asks and she sighs, leaning against a counter. "These past two years have been, something. I'm sorry- I couldn't bring myself to talk to you guys. I was- probably still am, pretty depressed. Then I started being the best parent I could be." Shiro wraps his prosthetic arm around her, "we've missed you. But we're glad you're here now, are you coming to Allura's ceremony?" She nods "I was thinking about bringing Leo, since I hadn't gone in the past two years. He doesn't know much about Allura, or many aliens. When we walked in he asked why Krolia was purple-" Pidge laughs.

Skip to the ceremony thingy

"Let me show you your Aunt Allura" Pidge says and hold out her hand to her son. They walk down a path, and to Allura's statue. "She saved us all. It was six years ago today when she passed. Maybe when you're a little older I'll tell you that long story."

"Excuse me" a male says as he walks past the mother and son. He was carrying armfuls of the Juniberris, he looked slightly familiar to Pidge. "Sorry." She picks up Leo, and the man turns to face her. His face was full of surprise, while Pidge was ready to cry.

"Papa?" Leo asks softly, Pidge turns on her heels and runs away. "PIDGE! PIDGE!" Lance calls, trying to chase after his wife and child. She gets away from him, and runs to find her friends. "Mama? Mama, what's wrong? Was that Papa?" Leo asks wiping the tears off of his mother's face. "I think-" she runs into someone, almost falling over.

The person catches her, "Pidge? What's wrong? What Happened?" It was Keith, "Uncle Keith! We found Papa!" Marco yells, squirming around in his mother's arms. Keith takes Leo and holds him on his hip, "Katie-" He comes running, his Altean markings glowing softly. "Pidge I-" she smacks him, "Keith take Leo away so I may speak with Lance."

The raven stares at the tan man for a moment, then nods walking off to find the others. "I deserved that." He whispers, a frown covering his features. "Start talking before I leave." She mumbles, wiping tears every so often. He stumbles on his words at first "I- I" but then he shuts up. "You left me alone to raise a child by myself. He's been wondering about you for two years- Two painful, long years. And you just happen to be here!?" She's sobbing at this point, her words barely above a whisper.

   "Katie I- have no excuses. When we fought that night- I couldn't bare to see that same look of hurt on your face. I didn't come home because that's what I thought you wanted, and what was best." "But it wasn't! I loved you! I wanted to raise Lance Leo McClain Jr. with you. Then you disappeared- we had search parties out for months. And I m- missed you so much!" She had wrapped her arms around herself, not bothering to wipe her tears.

    "If I could go back and redo most of what I've done I would!" He puts his hand on her shoulder, "Katie I am so sorry." She shakes her head, and pulls away from his touch. "I'm gonna go. You should be with the other paladins celebrating Allura. Like everyone else." With that she walks off, shoulders slumped, and face puffy.

  She arrives at the castle, all of her friends waiting for her arrival. "Pidge I-" she shakes her head and hugs her son. "Mama? Are you okay?" She smiles softly, "yes Mijo. Now who's ready for the dinner? You cooked right Hunk?" Pidge asks and the tan man nods, sending her a warm smile. "Let's all go say hi to Allura then shall we?" Coran suggests, and in a minute they where at a table infront of the statue.

One seat was still empty, "should we tell the kids the stories?" Keith asks, taking a sip of his nunvil. In that hour they relive most of their bad-guy fighting past. The young ones where amazed.

"Coran- sorry I'm Late. The farmers needed a bit of extra help." Lance announces as he sits down in his seat, the rest of the dinner Pidge stayed quiet and Leo sat with Coran. Soon enough it was nightfall and everyone was tired, "instead of everyone returning to their Planets. Do you want to stay in the castle of lions? For the night of course" Romelle suggests, they all agree. Pidge had some things in the castle anyway, she wanted to see them.

"Mama can I go see Papa?" Leo asks and she looks to the other side of the transport vehicle thing. She sits him down and he runs over to Lance. Veronica greets them when they get off, hugging Pidge then gasping when she finds her brother. She starts spewing Spanish curses towards her brother, who was holding his son.

"H- hey Sis" he mumbles looking defeated after she was finished. She hugs him tight, then runs off to Axcia's side once more. "Katie-" her husband whispers, she turns in his direction. He was holding his son tightly, and the two never looked more similar. "Let's go to bed okay?" Leo scrambles out of his father's grasp, and into his mom's arms.

"Lance where you uh shared a room with number five for the longest time- your old room is a closet." He groans, and thanks Coran for the information. "C'mon Lance- I want to see our old room." With that the two with their son walk down the old corridor.
"I'm surprised that our stuff is still in here- from the realities splitting?" The brunette tries to make a conversation, "realities Split? Mama what does that mean?" Leo asks now on his mother's shoulders, "it means that we probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for Aunt Allura."

"Are you Mad at me?" Lance asks a while after Leo had fallen asleep. "I was- but now no. I'm just hurt that you left me" she whispers, looking at the trash paladins. "I- wish I never left." He says from beside her, then smiles looking at the pictures of both of them. "Hey Lance" she says, the tan man turns and she tackles him in a hug. They both lay there in the floor, silently cuddling.

  Lance kisses her cheek once she fell asleep, then lays her in the bed beside Leo. In the morning Leo finds his mother still asleep, and Lance in the floor reading a book. "Papa!" Leo whisper shouts as he climbs out of the bed, "read to me?"

When Pidge wakes up Leo nor Lance is in the room, so she stumbles out of the room and to the kitchen. Hunk was cooking something while all of the others sit at the dining table. "Good morning Nerds!" She chirps as she plops down beside Lance, Leo was sitting with Romelle poking her Markings. "Mama!" He climbs onto the table and runs, tripping over his own two feet. He sits up blood pouring out of his mouth, he's holding something in his hand. "Leo! Are you alright Mijo? Let me see-" Hunk was already there with a washcloth. "I lost a tooth!" The small boy holds it proudly, showing everyone. Lance picks him up and hugs him, "the tooth fairy will surely give you something tonight."

  Hunk serves an old dish to which the two younger children 'ew' at. "What is that Daddy?!" Destiny cries as a small plate is sat infront of her. Shiro and Curtis laugh, Curtis is also pretty confused. "Food goo was the only thing we at when we were fighting Zarkon. It's not that bad" Shiro explains and the two kids pick at their food.

  "Papa are you coming home?" Leo asks as he walks with his parents to the shuttle bay. Lance sends a questioning glance to Pidge, she smiles a sad smile. "I don't think he is Mijo.." she trails off, a frown appearing. "Wait- you think I don't want to?" Lance asks as they stop infront of a shuttle, she nods picking Leo up. "If I'm allowed- then of course I'm coming home!"

   That night despite the couple's requests Leo went to his grandparent's with Veronica and Axcia. Lance and Pidge are now in the kitchen, she offered to cook. Some new music was playing softly from the radio, Pidge was gathering the ingredients when Lance hugs her from behind. "I'm not too hungry..." A smirk froms on his face, while some red hue appears aswell.

  She twists around in his arms to face him, and they share a passionate kiss. Which leads them both to the bedroom, and a late start on the next day.

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