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The windows crashed from all directions. Alex grabbes my hand and shoved me in a cabinet leaving me out of sight. I heard Seokjin oppa scream and Alex as well, I began to get scared and peeked out of the cabniet only to be met with chaos. I stepped out and wanted to help Alex but  screamed at me to run.

And so I did, I surpased the men trying to reach out for me and was able to hop out a window only leaving a couple of scratches on me. After that I can and I didn't stop . i wasnt sure to were i was running, I just did. My legs were crying for me to stop but i didnt and my breathing got worse by rhe second. I stopped by a huge pal tree and tried to catch my breathing but is was so painful. Up ahead I coild see alphanims hpuse and I slowly began to walk towards it, my vision blurred and my lungs felt as if they were burning.

I collapsed on the ground but not before I saw a small figure running towarss me. I prayed that it wasnt the men who took my sister and Jin. I closed my eyes and I let the darkness consume me. I was too weak.

Groggily I awoke. Who knows how long I've been out but I felt so much better. I was in a home I had never seen, the walls were painted a light royal blue and the couches were pure white with some golden yellow pillows as an accent. I picked my self up noticing that I had a fluffy great blanket on top of me.

"Oh you're awake." A tired voice spoke out. I snap my head up and see Jimin standing before me. His eyes were full of exhaustion and sadness yet he had a bright smile before me as if wanting to say that he was just fine.

My voice croaked as I let out the taller boys name."Jiminine.." memories of what had happened filled my head as I jumped up from the couch into the floor. My legs began to throb from the soreness and gave out; I collapsed onto the floor with a hard thud.

Rushing over to my side Jimin gently picked me up and sat me on the couch once again. "Woah slow down you aren't going anywhere amytime soon-"

"No! I have to go! I have to help!" My voice sounding shaky and rough.

" Don't worry I'll call Namjoon or you can call Jin to come pick yo-"

"They were taken Jiminie..." I croaked out letting a couple of tears slip out of my eyes. I quickly wipe the tears that were falling from my face.

Jimin looked taken back and his face was full of confusion. "Sonya.. Who took them." That question caused all the blood in my body to drain. I knew exactly who took them ,there could only be one person who'd want to take us.


A/n: I'm sorry of I haven't posted in a while vacations have been hectic but I'll try to post faster. Also sorry for the ahort chapter I just wanted to post something so you guys wouldn't think i was ded.

Destined ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon