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After roughly an hour later Namjoon was able to explain the bare minimum of what had happened in the past couple of days. Jungkook stared at his hyung in shock, if everything he said was true then he was kidnapped by the only man he's known and robbed if his future mate. Millions of thoughts rummaged through the youngers head. It was too much for him to handle, if he was being honest.  His heart began to plapitate at a rapid pace and his breathing hitched. Panic flurred his eyes and face.

"Then why do I only remeber you hyung?" Jungkook asked looking up at Namjoon.

"I--I'm not entirely sure bud." The blonde alpha said  scratching the back of his head. "But if you want you can go and talk to Jimin.. I know you don't remeber him entirely but he was your soon to be mate."

Jungkook only nodded but made no other movement that signaled that he was getting up. Namjoon got up though, he needed to go and check on Alex and then Jin. "I have to go Jungkook but Hoseok hyung and yoongi hyung will help you Okay?"

The younger alpha nodded in agreement with the other two trying to keep Jungkook calm.
With that the alpha left and to the emergency room it was.


As the alpha walked to the emergency room he pondered in his thoughts. Could he finally put his guard down? Could he finally be happy? Could he be with Jin and create a family with him? But that most important question was .. Was it all truly over?

Namjoon shook all thoughts from his head as he reached over to Alex. She was still in the same position as before when they left. Teary eyes and a broken face. Alex lookes up to meet Namjoon and gave a faint smile.

"Hello namjoon .." Her voice spoke quietly, not making an effort to sound loud.

"Hey, how is she?"

Alex shrugged. She couldn't tell how her sister nor Lee was. They were both in pain but at peace all at once. Its an indescribably word, that fact that both lee and Sonya seemed to be suffering from immense  pain they have a warm look on their face. It was so fragile and soft as if someone were to touch it they would break but they also looked to had been crying for centuries a pain written face with bruises as the ink. It was indescribable.

"The doctors say that Lee should get better but they dont know about Sonya, she has a low chance of survival. The bullet hit an important organ and her body was bleeding out internally. I've asked the doctors about her for what seems like ever but they always give me the same answer." Her voice spoke shakily and she gripped the thigh part of her clothing scruching it up in a ball.

Namjoon spoke softly wanting to only confort the younger "Which is?"

"..Don't put your hopes to high.." After those few words she broke down in tears once again. Namjoon brought her into a tight embrace holding on to her ever so lovingly. The alpha whispered comforting words into her ear as she mumbled out a few of despair.


After a half an hour or so Alex had stopped crying and ended up falling asleep on Namjoons shoulder and for the first time she actually seemed calm and restful. To her this small action of sleeping on the alphas was significant. She could never trust another wolf male but now she feels as if Namjoon was part of her own family and for that she was thankful.

Namjoon picked Alex up bridal style causeing her to half wake up. "Namjoon-ah..thank you for taking care of Seokjin, and loving him..not many were able to to that..thanks.." With that she fell back asleep but mumbled one last word that the alpha could catch he wasnt sure if the girl had said oppa or appa.. Either way Namjoon felt the loving energy.

The nurses were able to place a bed in the room where lee and Sonya were. There he placed alex to rest for a bit.
Finally done with his work he began to walk over to his first and only love. Kim Seokjin. He didn't know what he did to deserve such a beauty person but smiled to himself knowing that Jin was his and his only. No one would touch him again and he was going to make sure of that.

Taking a slow pace to the omegas room memories flood his memory. It filled him with love, hope, determination. Namjoon smiled to himself and began to walk a bit faster than before.

Nurses zipped past him and in the direction he was going. Namjoon didn't think much of it and continued his walk. The closer he got to Jin he began to smell something so intoxicating that he almost felt drunk.
When he got there he didn't expect Jins door to be protected by nurses.

The smell only got stronger the closer he got. Wanting to enter the room he got closer and heard low mumbles and even groans. He stopped by the nurses who were protecting the door.

"Let me in my mates in there.." The alpha spoke stubbornly not taking his eyes off of the door.

"Im sorry Alpha Namjoon but we for strict orders to not let anyone inside!" The nurses argued back, before the alpha could answer anymore a small voice was heard from behind.

"Namjoon?" The alpha turned around to be met with the one and only nurse who would treat him on the daily baises. It was Lisa.

"Lisa! Tell them to let me in" the male spoke a bit angrily now. Lisa rolled her eyes and dragged the alpha back by his ear warning a small help from him and knowing he would be able to fight back. She sat him down on a chair forecfully causing him to stumble.

"Listen Namjoon, Seokjin os going through a mini preheat which is a phase that happenes before going into his actual heat." The small nurse explained even though it looked like namjoon wasnt listening as he had his eyes glued on the door still.

"Namjoon listen!!" The alpha quickly snapped his head towards the petite nurse who had a small rage in her eyes. "If i let you in there he could die.."

Namjoons heart stopped.

"Good I have your attention now." Namjoon realized that Lisa only said that to threaten him but still be paid attention this time. "Seokjin has stitches in his stomach and if i let you in there you could possibly rip them so I think I might have an idea."

The blonde stood up shaking bis head. He was willing to do anything to help his omega.

"I'll do anything."


A/n: I wonder what he's gonna do
; ]

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