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Namjoon pov
"Who's here?" I ask the female who wouldn't stop smiling.

Ignoring me she jumped in her cell."They're here!! They're here!!"

More crashing came from the other side of the door only making me worry. Who was here? Was it Sonya? Yoongi? Jimin? Hoseok....? I was still confused but the only thought on my mind was to be set free. I look up and see that I am much closer to Jungkook and an idea pops in my head "Jungkook! Go alpha mode and rip these chains off!"

He looks at me curiously before actually speaking. "Why should I do that?"

"So I can set us free!" I whisper yell, not wanting anyone outside this room to hear.

He questioningly he states at me. "If I set you free, you could ditch us any second.."

"But I'm not going to do that!" I argue back trying to make my point. "I am going to set us free but to do that I need to get out of these chains!!"

He glares at me with menacing eyes yet I keep a strong facade. "Jungkook are you gonna help or not?"

He growls before answering. "Fine, only one problem though, I don't know how to go 'alpha mode'"

"What?" I ask, how could am alpha not know how to go into their most protective mode? Brushing it off I decide to help. "Just think of something that makes you angry!"

The young alpha then began to think. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes up before speaking. "I can't do it."

I decide to put matters into my own hands. I knew the words I was gonna say were gonna affect my brother desperately but we needed to get out and this was the only way. I took a very deep breath and sighed. "Think of Jimin.. How he was taken from you."

Angrily the alpha spoke to me slaming himself to the cell closest to me."WHO'S JIMIN!!-"

A loud slam from the door caused us all to look. It was Eunjae who looked like he was beat badly. He had a bruiseds on his jaw and blood all over his clothing. I would praise whoever did that but in his hand he was carrying Lee who looked exhausted. He threw him on the ground earning a small groan. Eunjae walked in slamming the door behind him.

"COME ON THEN!!" Eunjae began sounding crazier than ever and frustratedly. "SHOW THEM HOW YOU SHOWED ME LITTLE PRINCE!"

"Eunjae leave him alone please!" Jin begged. The crazed beta looked at him. "I'll do anything!! Just leave them ALL alone please!!"

The beta smiled at Jin. "Anything?" He asked teasingly. Jin nodded vigorously.  "Become my wife and stay with me forever."

My heart stopped along with my breathing. I was scared. I was scared that Jin would agree and leave me alone. I didn't want to lose what I had just gained. Tears were in my eyes for the first time in a long time. "Jin please no.." I beg he doesn't even spare me a glance.

His voice being shaky as he spoke. "If you let me say goodbye, I will."I couldn't even speak. I could feel the warm tears fall down my face.

"Jin-ah please don't.." Lee groaned while crawling to Jin in the cage.

"Hmm fine.Guards!" Eunjae commanded and just like that two very muscular men walked in. "Bring in two more men to protect my Jin from anything and make sure he's said goodbye. Once he's done bring him to my room."

"Yes sir." The spoke in unicen. One of then left and came back with two other people who were no less muscular than him.

"I'll see you soon my Queen." Eunjae teased evily. As soon as he left the guards made sure to lock lee up in the cell with Alex.

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