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So many days have passed. I lost track of how many times they would beat Lee. In the time we've been here they had managed to put shock collars on us. They've tested it once on me but Lee had the worst. I'm not sure how many times he's been electrocuted but his neck was all red and bruised from it.

Lee was laying in his hovering cell not moving an inch. His clothing was ripped from him only leaving him with his pants. On his back were various whip lash marking and bruises. He was all bloodied up. His face showed no emotion but pure exhaustion.I had begged them to take me instead but they ignore me every time.

I then heard footsteps coming downstairs. They were no other than the person who had ordered to take lee and myself into this hellhole.

"Hello darlings." His voice spoke in a dark deminor, startling me a bit.Me and Lee stayed quite but he was use to that. I never found out his name and Lee had refused to give it to me and referes to him as master. He walked up to my cell causing lee to jump up slightly and hold the bars of his small cage with one of his hands while the other pushed him up. He eye the man in front of me carefully.

"I see that the Prince is awake" he says looking over to Lee who seemed to cowar under his gaze but keep a strong demeanor.

"As for you baby doll, you had a visitor." He says using the past tense of 'have'.  "He goes by the name Jung Hoseok. Do you by any chance recognise that name?"

My heart drops. My Hoseok was here and he didn't even pick up my scent. I wasn't sad. I was angry. I lunge in my cell holding the metal bars tightly that my knuckles turn even whiter. I growl at him but he only smirks and walks closer to me. I could tell he had something behind his hand but I couldn't care.

He inched closer and I heard a small click come from behind his back. Before I could react I felt an excruciating pain in my neck, quickly realising it was the shock collar I scream out in pain and let choked sobs exit my mouth, I get a grip on it trying to remove it. I ultimately fail and let the pain flow through my body. It felt as if some one was constantly chocking me and drowing me in a hot pool of water. I hated it.

He finally stopped seeing as I was close to passing out. I inhale a deep breath seeing that I was missing air in my system. He chuckled and walked over to lee and patted his head.

"Hello Prince!" He chirped walking around the small hovering jail cell. It seemed as if he wanted to memorize every single painful detail of him. Lee only put a scowl on his face and gripped his cell even tighter. "Dont be upset my Prince. We'll find our queen real soon."

Lee gulped but kept his strong facade. He then turned back to me. His eyes were showing only darkness. He got even closer and started to stalk the cage like a lion would to it prey. I knew his intentions weren't pure.

"You know baby doll, I havent gotten to talk to you yet...have I?"I don't answer and move myself so I'm farther away from him.

"I asked you a question.." He grites through his teeth coming to a stop at the front of my cage were the door was to open it. I stayed silent once more. I looked over to lee who seemed to be even more scared than before. He mouthed a 'answer him.' But I didn't want to talk to him. I slowly shook my head and went back to the beta who's eyes seemed to glow now.

He walked away very angrily to a hidden shelf and took some keys out. He stalked back and opened my door forcefully, causing me to jump to my feet. I was still restrained by the chains on my wrists but that small amount of hope did not not leave me. He roughly grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and shoved my back to the cell causing it to creek and shake at the sudden movement.

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