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No one pov
As the couple separated from each other they continued to look all through out the store for anything thing that will be suited for good ingredients. Then out of no where sonya and alex appeared, their arms full of baking supplies.

"Girls why do you have all of that?" Jin asked as they put all of the stuff they were holding into the shopping cart.

"Well we wanted to bake with you so me and sonya decided to grab the stuff and place it in here" The taller of the two said pointing at the shopping cart.

"Girls we can't get all of this I don't have enough money-"

"I'll pay for it, don't worry." Namjoon inturrpeted. The girls smiled and hugged Namjoon. When they pulled away they scattered off to who knows where.

"Namjoon." Jin said sternly and a but angrily. " You know don't have to buy all of this! We only needed enough to make the meal."

"Yes I know,Jin, but look at how happy they are!" He said pointing over at the younger girls who were looking at books and laughing. This made Jins heart melt even if he knew it was wrong to take advantage of this moment. "Plus I wanna bake too! So I buying this for me, but since I'll probably burn the kitchen you can help make it!" The alpha chirpped making Jin smile.

"Girls get a book of you want!" The blonde headed said making the girls faces light up and rummage through several books.

"Namjoon no!" Jin said hitting the alpha playfully, meaning no real harm in it.

"Namjoon yes!" The younger mocked kissing the omegas cheek. Jin rolled his eyes but heard a small snicker from behind. He turned around and saw an old aged women around her fiftys or so. She was pretty short around 5'3, she had shoulder length hair that was turning a light grey and her outfit was a bit plain with a light blue blouse and a pair of dark navy blue pants along with black flats that were pointy at the end.

She realized that the couple had spotted her laughing. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh its just that you guys are a cute family!"

Stuttering the omega spoke. "Fam--family?"

"Why yes you are the mother and those are your daughter no?" Her sweet voice said making both of the wolf's blush a deep red.

"N-No ma'am those girls are like my sisters and me and Namjoon are--"

"OH! Alpha Kim! I'm terribly sorry for my intrution with my nosy self it will not happen again! Please pardon me!" She begged while bowing down to Namjoon, who seemed to feel a little akward and he stumbled back a bit, obviously not use to the sudden formality.

"Its fine ma'am you are pardoned just pretend that it didn't happen."

"Yes of course Alpha Kim.." She spoke slowly feeling that she wasn't tense anymore. She then scattered off as of she was never there.The alpha sighed and walked behind Jin so that he was able to wrap his arms around his waist. The older could tell that he was in distress so he let the younger do as he wished.

"I'm guessing that you don't like formalitys?" Jin said while looking at the shelfs in front of him. The blonde shook his head and hugged Jin a little tighter.

"Alpha-nim! Is it okay if I can get a journal instead?" Sonya asked as Namjoon nodded while unwrapping his arms on the older. Jin almost immediately missed the warmth he radiated.

"Alright we've been distracted long enough lets find the rest of the ingredients and go to my house so I can cook us up some lunch." Everyone agreed to Jins plan and look through all the aisle to find exactly what they were looking for.

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