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The room was filled with comfortable silence. Namjoon had an arm wrapped around the shorters waist, while Jin had his head tucked into the youngers chest. This was a feeling of home, a feeling one can not describe, its more or less a mixture of emotions, safety,love, and happiness.

Namjoon was in deep sleep as Jin only basked in the blondes warmth; as he was still awake. He didn't want the moment to end just yet.The sound of the door clicking startled the omega making him shift slightly.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to bother." A male voice spoke. Jin internally panicked as he started to shake the alpha so he'd wake up. After failing for a bit he shoved the alpha off of the bed earning a yelp from him.

"Sorry we were just sleeping.."Jin blushed as Namjoon grunted as he stood up rubbing his back in pain.

The doctor raised an eyebrow and scanned jins neck to see small purple bruises. "You didn't have those before." He said making the alpha and omega blush deeply. The doctor spoke once again but with a smile."No don't worry, staying with your mate should help heal any minor injuries."

Namjoon eyed the male infront of him before speaking. "Well, I'm Kim-"

"Kim Namjoon, soon to be head alpha, I know. I'm Seokjin's Doctor; Dr. Wang but you can call me Jackson." The doctor had dark brown hair that was neatly styled to the side. His white cloak was slightly covered with blood but no one would notice unless they really looked.The males both shook each others hand as a way of greeting each other.

"Well its nice to meet you. Is Jin going to be Okay?" The worried alpha whispered not wanting to alarm his mate.

"He should be now that your here but I just came to ask him a few questions, after that I'll leave you two be."

Namjoon noded and watched the doctor go to Jin and grab the clip board that was placed on the bed panel. After a few short scribles the wolf spoke. "So Seokjin, do you remeber anything at all?"

Jin sat up on his bed wanting to get comfortable. "Not really, it's all just-" the omega let out a scaring shock before trying to hop out of the bed; only to be stopped by Jackson pushing him back slightly. "No!! Let go!! Sonya, Alex and Lee need me!! I can't stay here!!" He begged while thrashing in his bed.

"Seokjin please calm down! They're in the emegancy room and one of them just underwent surgery; You JUST underwent surgery, you could open your stiches so calm down!" The doctor asked with a more commanding tone.

Jin stopped moving and only to let his tears fall down. Jackson made eye contact with the alpha; Namjoon gave a small signal so the doctor could leave and he'd deal with it. As the doctor passed the alpha, he could see a prominate bite mark on his shoulder close to his neck. He wouldn't lie od he said he wasn't a bit jealous of him.

Namjoon stood infront of the crying omega and kneeled on one knee so he'd be able to make eye contact with the shorter. "Jin, look at me, breathe its going to be okay I promise. Just breathe."

The ebony male hiccuped as he stared at his alpha. Slowly he began to breathe and soon his breathing evened out. "I'm sorry Namjoon."

The alpha tiltes his head in clear confusion. "For what?"

"If only I stayed away, if only I ran faster you wouldn't be in this situation, none of your family would. Its all my fault."

Namjoon put his finger under Jins chin so he'd be able to look at him. "None of this is your fault Jin. I'm glad I met you, I'm glad to call you mine ,after so long I waited and waited. I love you, I'm never going to stop loving you. We're stuck together whether we like it or not." Jin chuckled making the alpha errupt with butterflies in his stomach.

"I love you too joon. I'm glad it's you I'm with." The omega kissed namjoons forehead causing him to blush. "Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Could you take me to sonya ,Alex,and Lee I just want to see them. I promise I won't cry again or make a tantrum." He said sheeply fiddling with his fingers.

"Fine, let me go get you a wheel chair though."


After strolling a while in the wheel chair the males finally made it to the emergency room. Everything was deadly silent, not even the wheels made a sound. A dreadful feeling filled the air making both wolves very uncomfortable.

"Were here." Namjoon whispered. Jin moved his head in all directions wanting to know were his family was. Quiet sobs were heard up ahead, Jin immediately identified it as Alex.

"Alex!" The omega whispered yelled gaining the girls attention. She had red bloodshot eyes and several bandages wrapped around her. Alex stood up and ran to Jin; who took her into his arms lovingly, even if it caused him slight pain Jin continued to hug her.

"Namjoon.." The hybrid murmered out as she pulled herself away from the omega, she took the alpha in a deep embrace and cried into his shoulder. "I'm sor--sorry, I--I tried but I'm--I'm useless.."

Namjoon pulled himself from the teenager and caught her gaze. "Alex you are not useless.You are a precious pearl in the sea that shines above the rest. You're an untouched rose that many would love to grab but are pricked away by your beauty." Namjoon kissed the girls head lovingly bringing her into another embrace. "You aren't useless, I promise."

"Thank you joon... I needed that.." She hiccuped and brushed away her tears. Alex took control of pushing Jin; the omega was infront a rectangular glass window overseeing a white hospital room.

In that room layed Sonya and Lee. Both having a tube shoved in their throat and wires that connected them to machines. They seemed so peaceful and relax but in pain all at once. Jin pondered in his thoughts, was it all worth it? Were they all truly free now? Was it safe? All of these questions filled his head as he pressed a his hand on the window wishing it wasn't there.

Namjoon placed his hands on the omegas shoulder, as a way of comfort. "Jin-ah, I have to go see my mother and brother..Let me take you back to the room."

The omega hesitantly nodded as the blonde pulled him away from his last two family members.

Was it worth it?
A/n: hello its the author, hope you're all having a good day!

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