26. More than disappointment

Start from the beginning

"Don't move too much. You are still recovering." Jin spoke at the end of my bed. I nodded in agreement.

For the next half an hour I kept answering to their questions, repeating over and over again that I felt fine, which they didn't seem to want to accept. As they finally started laying off the subject and continued their conversation with each other, I had the time to turn my attention away from them towards the window. Jimin was still sitting there, in the same position, but this time his gaze was glued to me. I could see a swirl of feelings in those dark irises, amongst them anger, guilt, sadness and most of all tiredness. As our eyes have locked, none of us could turn away. I wanted to walk up to him and reassure him that everything was just fine, but I was physically unable to do so.

 I wanted to walk up to him and reassure him that everything was just fine, but I was physically unable to do so

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Yoongi's chest entered into my eye sight, completely covering Jimin. I tried to move around him to take a glance at Jimin again, but I wasn't able to. The next thing I saw was him trying to walk out of the room, without taking even a lookout me. I couldn't let it happen.

"Jimin..." I spoke up and he turned around with clenched jaws, anger filled eyes. "Where are you going?" I asked, trying to pursue him to stay.

"I just need fresh air." He replied and left the room without hesitation. I looked after him, feeling disappointed. I wasn't upset, because I felt my feelings being forever unreturned or because I knew he was still hopelessly in love with Danah, but because of the angered look that he had when he turned to me. The guilt I felt didn't let me rest. I knew he was right to be angry, I knew he was right to hate me. I didn't listen to him and I didn't keep my distance, while I even got everyone in trouble. If it wasn't for me, his secret could have stayed hidden and I wouldn't have opened up all those painful wounds. I felt horrible about myself and I wished nothing but to turn back time to when I didn't know him. Then we would have both be fine. I didn't even realise the tears rolling down my cheeks, until I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quickly and harshly wiped off the streak of liquid.

"Y/N..." Namjoon called out to me and I looked up at him. "Are you okay?" He asked and I forced a smile on my face.

"I'm fine." I replied, reassuring them.

"He will come around." Namjoon continued and I shook my head, bitting into my lower lip with a deep sigh. I didn't know myself why I did that. Maybe because I didn't believe him. Maybe because I knew it was my fault. Maybe simply because it was better if he hated on me.

"We are here for you." Jungkook put his hand on my other shoulder, trying to comfort me. I nodded and smiled at him, wanting to get rid off all the negative thoughts. It happened already, I was unable to turn back time, but I didn't want to feel so pathetic about myself and I needed a destruction.

"So, what exactly happened after... well..." I couldn't get myself to end the sentence.

"Well..." Taehyung started. "Yoongi called the police right before he arrived to the park. When you got injured, Jin immediately called the ambulance as well. But then Huncheol and his friends started escaping so we followed them, this way the police had an easier way to catch them." He explained.

"What's happening to them?" I asked.

"They are in custody now." Hoseok stated. "Then there will be a court hearing, where they are being charged for attempted murder and kidnapping. It will be quite a while before they go to prison, but they will not be coming out for a long time." I nodded with a deep sigh leaving my lungs.

"They also started an investigation against Soomi and her friends for their previous attack on you and they will be charged for assault and harassment." Yoongi finished off.

"Good. They deserve it." I nodded again. "On a side note, how did you guys get there?" I turned to the others.

"We all got a message from your phone to come and meet you in the park. It seemed off, but we didn't really think much of it. And then we were captured one by one. Not the proudest moment of my life." Namjoon grimaced, making me lightly chuckle.

"But you weren't there before." I turned to Yoongi. "I saw you when you arrived. You basically came prepared." I looked at him suspiciously.

"To be honest, I didn't have my phone with me at the time of the message. I only received it when I got home." He explained. "I tried to call Jimin and then Hoseok, but none of them picked up, which was quite strange." He furrowed his brows. "Then I called Yojin, she is the closest to you after all, but she knew nothing of the meeting. She was actually expecting you to go over. It was rather weird that you wouldn't message your best friend first, let alone at all, while changing your plans without a word. I didn't exactly know what to prepare, I just knew something was up. I took the most obvious things that I could come up with. Knife, chloroform and some rags." He shrugged. My eyes widened.

"I think... we have a different opinion on obvious items." I chuckled forcefully, but he just rolled his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. As I said, I knew something was up." He shrugged.

"And... you just keep chloroform laying around in your house, right?" I asked suspiciously, which earned another eye-roll from him.

"My aunt is a doctor, she likes to keep some of her stash at home." His goofy smile made me giggle at him.

"I guess we are lucky you are a psychopath." I chuckled, but he just waved me off.

My friends' lively, happy mood made me feel better, even though I wished Jimin was a part of it. He seemed to want to avoid me and while it hurt, I understood his reasons. He was more than disappointed, he was angry at me and I didn't blame him. I felt guilty for being reckless and getting everyone in trouble. 

Notes: If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like the chapter. Thank you :)  

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