51.Love You Kayon...

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"A relationship can remain still till years even without Love or Friendship but not a minute without Trust."


Next weak...

Today is Kayon's birthday. Uncle Daniel went out before evening and I asked Ednil to keep Kayon busy in his office until everything is ready. I replaced all the photo frames on the wall and covered them. I already invited mom, dad, Ednil's mom, Liam (Kayon's PA) and Alecia. Ednil told me the truth why she did like that at the bar. Now I want to apologize for my rude behaviour that night, so I invited her.

Everyone came in the evening. Now we all are waiting for Kayon and uncle Daniel. Uncle Daniel entered inside and gave a confused look towards the walls. I and Alicia removed the covers from the frames and I saw uncle Daniel's eyes getting wet. He still hasn't got over aunt Mia. I then went near him. He looked at me and said, "you did this, you replaced them. Thanks, child. You are so different from your husband. He removed them all to get away from his mom's memory, to move on. Who does that? She was his mom, she loved him so much and he just erased her memories after she passed away. I am afraid, after seeing this he'll get furious with you. But after all these years I'm feeling as if my house got back its colours, its liveliness. Thanks a lot, dear."

"No uncle there's no need to thank me. You need to know the truth. Kayon did all that not for himself but you." I explained.

"What?" Uncle asked confused.

"Yes, he did it for you. I am sorry to say but it should have been you consoling Kayon and handling everything but it happened the other way round. You forgot his pain in front of yours. You forgot that he too lost his mother. Keeping the pain aside he handled himself, you and everything. All the workload fell upon his shoulders at such a young age. Many tried to overthrow your business but he remained strong and didn't let them do that. He faced the cruelty of this world at such a young age. He distanced himself from everyone. As you were constantly drinking, he was afraid that soon he'll lose you too. You were the only family left for him. He didn't want to lose you so to make you come out of your depressed state he thought it's best to erase his mom's memory from your life. Although it hurt him a lot still he did it for your betterment and he has kept all her things safe somewhere. Look at yourself, you came out of your depressed state, you moved on a bit. At least you don't drink recklessly now. Now if you understood this can you please forgive him?" I told him everything.

"Sure child and don't call me uncle, call me dad. You are the sweet daughter which I always wanted. You remind me of my Mia. She was sweet and caring just like you." His words filled my heart with joy.

"Come dad join us at Kayon's birthday party." Then we both went near the rest of them.


When Kayon entered he was shocked. He remained still for a moment. At first, he had sad expressions which later on turned furious. Then I went near him and wished him and told him to cut the cake. He refused to do so and gave me a death glare. I felt afraid that he'll scold me in front of everyone but his expression changed the moment uncle Daniel came towards us and hugged Kayon. Then he told him sorry and pulled him towards the cake. When he cut the cake mom-dad, Alicia, Liam, Ednil's mom gave him gifts. After having snacks and cake everyone left. Mom and dad promised to join us for dinner next time.

While Kayon was busy talking with his dad I went inside my room and changed my dress. It's an off-shoulder dress which reached till my mid-thigh. I felt too exposed as I don't wear this type of short clothes. Ednil brought it to me and he did every possible thing to convince me to wear it. Then I went to the terrace, it's beautifully decorated. Only the table was remaining. I thanked Ednil and told him that I'll manage with the table. He then left saying he'll send Kayon soon.



" Kay, can you go on the terrace and call Crystal. She told Mrs Pot she'll come down soon but she's long gone." Ednil told me.

"You should check on her son," Dad told and I immediately went on the terrace. I got shocked by seeing the terrace beautifully decorated. A table was placed in the middle and its decorated with rose petals. I got confused as I was expecting Grey but instead, some girl was sitting on the table with her back facing me and food is also placed on the table. When the girl turned around my jaws dropped on the floor.

She's Grey wearing a hot dress. I never saw her wearing anything like this before. She always wears clothes that cover most of her skin. On top of that, she did heavy make-up. I then went near her and touched her to confirm if she is there or am I just imagining her but she is there. She then motioned for me to sit down on another chair.

"Do you like this Kayon?" She asked.

"Everything is great Grey. Did you arrange this too?" I asked.

"Ednil did everything I only arranged the table." She replied honestly. Then she served the food. All the items are my favourite. We both are eating food silently. I noticed that Grey is looking down all the time and I can feel her getting shy. I removed my coat and gave her, she happily wore it thanking me. Although I missed her exposed arms for that, I couldn't let her feel uncomfortable.

After we finished our dinner she gave me a gift box. I opened it eagerly. There's only a small note inside. I opened it and my heart leapt with happiness. 'I Love You Kayon.' Is written in that note. I turned around but Grey isn't here. I ran down towards my room. She is sitting on our bed. I pulled her towards me and hugged her saying, love, you too many times. Then the unexpected thing happened. Grey kissed me passionately and my heart is currently flying on cloud nine.

"You have been sentenced for life imprisonment in Kayon Pride's heart," I told her.

"I accept my punishment wholeheartedly." She replied with a huge smile.

"How did you came to know that you love me?" I asked her.

"I felt many things." She replied.

"What are they?" I asked

She replied, "I know it's love when I look in your eyes and see nothing but undying love.
I know it's love as whenever I look at you I start to plan a future together. I know it's love because when you touched me the first time my heart, felt as if it started beating at that very moment. I know it's love because whenever I remember saying that sentence I pray that when that time comes it should take both of us together with it and not leave one behind to live in pain and loneliness and that sentence is, Till Death Do Us Part..."

I got speechless. I then kissed her gently. Although I wanted to make love to her the whole night after seeing her in that dress the hesitation that I saw in her eyes as soon as I touched her intimately changed my mind. It's enough that she loves me. Taking our relation further can be done at another time. Tonight we only talked about our past life and slept cuddling to each other.


An early update for all my lovely readers.
So how's the chapter?🤔

Finally, after 52 chapters, Father and Son's relationship got patched-up 🤗🤗🤗 and also out sweet Crystal confessed her feeling for Kayon...😍😍😍

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