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"My world is somewhere within you."


After reaching his home I saw all the guests waiting in his hall. There's a huge cake placed in the middle of the hall. Previously when I came here I didn't notice the surrounding much but now I realised how big his house is. It's like a palace. The hall seems like a huge ballroom from the beauty and the beast movie. Kayon held my hand and we entered inside. Kayon suddenly stopped walking and I looked at him to know the reason. I saw him glaring at Sam. I regretted inviting him but dad only insisted to invite him as he told that he was Kayon's friend and also uncle Jones would feel bad if we only invite him and not his son. I removed my hand from Kayon's and held him by his arm. He instantly relaxed and started walking towards the cake. All our family members were standing near it.

We cut the cake and after some time the music started. Kayon and I did the first dance and all others followed. While dancing he told me, "You are looking beautiful my wife. S'agapo."

"What did you say in the end?" I asked.
"I will tell you some other time dear." He replied.

After having lunch all the guest left. Kayon then lifted me in his arms and carried me towards his room. As we entered his room he placed me back on my feet and asked me to change into something comfortable and then he left. After he left me alone in his room I felt sad. If only I would have married the love of my life then that person wouldn't have left me like this. A knock on the door broke my trail of thought. I told that person to come inside and a lady came inside. She brought coffee with her and after giving it she left.

After drinking the coffee I went towards the closet but my clothes were not there. Then I searched the whole room but none of my stuff was present there. After nearly one hour Kayon came back and looking at me he asked, "why didn't you change?"

"How can I change when I don't have my clothes here," I replied.

Rubbing his forehead with his fingers he said, "Sorry I forgot that and from now on we will be staying at my place and that's why I send all your stuff there. Come we will go there now."

"What your place? Isn't this your home? Don't you live here? I asked confused.

"This is my dad's house and the one where we are going to is my own house." He replied.
Heading outside I bid goodbye to uncle Daniel. Uncle gave me his blessings but didn't utter a single word to his son. Only Kayon told him to take care before leaving. How strange their relation is...


After reaching his home Kayon showed me my room. His house was small as compared to his dad's house but still, it is much larger than ours. Unpacking my stuff I placed each and everything in its specific place. Then I took a quick shower and changed into something comfortable. I was very much tired and wanted to sleep but before I can lay down on my bed someone knocked on my door and then Kayon entered in and asked, "Are you ready for the dinner?"
I nodded in reply and followed him.
After the dinner, he gave me the contract papers on which there were his signatures.
All my conditions were present in it. I felt embarrassed as I was the one to mention those conditions and I only forgot about them but he still remembered.

Afterwards, I washed the dishes and kept them in place. Kayon was not there when I came outside the kitchen. Maybe he went to his room and slept, I thought. Then I headed towards my room. When I was crossing his room I was suddenly pulled inside. I gasped. It was Kayon who pulled me. Then he shut the door and now I am locked between him and the wall. I tried to leave but he kept his hands on the wall beside my face. I then lowered my knees and tried to escape but he blocked my way with his knees. Then he brought his face closer to mine. Our faces were only inches apart. I lowered my face but he lifted it upholding my chin and kissed me on my lips. I tried to push him but he was too strong. After kissing for a while he left my lips. We both were breathing hard. "Taim i' ngra Leat." He told.
"What?" I asked.
"Some other time cara mia", he replied then continued, "as for now can I celebrate my wedding night?" He asked and a cold shiver ran down my spine. I am alone with him and there is no one here for my rescue. Is this the reason why he brought me here and didn't stay at his dad's place?

 Is this the reason why he brought me here and didn't stay at his dad's place?

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