32.Nightdress - Engagement Dress.

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"A real man may ruin your lipstick but he'll never ruin your mascara."


Whole lawn is decorated with flowers. There is a table in the middle of the lawn and it is also beautifully decorated. To my surprise, my parents along with Kayon's dad and Ednil were present there. Now I knew why he took a long route to reach here instead of the shortcut. This was the reason why mom didn't let me change my dress. Only if I would have listened to her I won't have felt this embarrassed know, to stand in front of Kayon, Ednil and Uncle Daniel in my nightdress.

I came back to my senses when Kayon held my hand and dragged me towards one corner of his lawn. In that corner, there was a big heart made up of the white and red flower on the ground. Kayon told me to stand inside the heart. I didn't understand what was going on until I saw Kayon taking out a small velvet box from his pocket. Oh My God, he is going to propose me, wow...
I felt very happy but soon my happiness ended when instead of kneeling in front of me and asking for my hand in marriage as I thought, he took my left hand and put a ring from that box in ⁿ00my finger. Everybody clapped. Then he took out another similar box and opening it he gave me a ring and then extended his left hand. I then put that ring in his finger and again everybody clapped. It's now that I notice that Ednil was capturing everything on his mobile. Everything seems perfect except for my nightdress. Then Kayon whispered in my ears, "do you like the surprise, it was Ed's idea."

"Yeah I like it", I told him although I felt sad. It should have been Kayon's idea, he is the one I am going to get married not Ednil but what can I do after all I am marrying a Jerkhead.


After congratulating me everyone sat around the table. We were having coffee which Ednil made himself and I must say that he can make a tasty coffee. Kayon is eating his dinner as he didn't get time to have his dinner in the preparation of this surprise.



I know how much my son loves Markos daughter. I haven't seen him being this much happy since Mia's (Kayon's mom) death. I want him to live his life happily and it doesn't matter if his happiness is in marrying my employe's daughter. I respect and admire people by their nature and character and not by their status. It will mean a lot to me if this girl fills my son's life with happiness as its the only thing that matters to me. Even after all the differences between us, he is still my son.

" Markos from now on you will call me Daniel," I told Markos.

"But sir it..." He tried to oppose but I didn't let him complete and added, "No Markos we are a family now." In reply, he only nodded his head. Then I asked Crystal, "will it be an ok child if we fix your marriage by the end of this month on 30th?"

Her mouth was wide open. She got shocked by my question, I think so. Instead of Crystal, her mom replied, "sure Mr. pride. I know my daughter won't have any problem with it." I saw my son smirking, looking in Crystal's direction. Then he said, "you can take her silence as yes as she is too shy to reply." Crystal glared at him but didn't oppose his statement.

After sometime Markos got up from his chair and told, "it's getting late sir, I mean Daniel. I think we should leave now."

"Sure Markos I am glad that we spend such a wonderful time together, do visit again soon. I hope your daughter will surely fill my house with the colour of happiness and the same with my son's life." I told him.

"She will surely do it, Daniel, bye", he replied.

After Markos and his wife went outside I headed towards my room.


When Grey and her parents went towards their car I asked Grey to come with me but she denied. After her parents insisted her, then she agreed. We both sat in my car and started driving towards her house. I played  the song 'I Love You More Than Yesterday' and sang the song word to word,

I love you more than yesterday
I love you twice as much as tomorrow.
I sware to every word I say
I love you more than yesterday.
You make me see the sun again
Before my eyes, were only crying.
You shook my trouble on my way
No barricades no shades of grey.
I love you mooooooore than yesterday.

"stop singing in that irritating voice of yours," Grey shouted on top of her voice.


What do you think will Crystal say?
Will they have their first fight or will Kayon be successful in making her calm?
Let me know your thoughts about this chapter.

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