6.In The Office.

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"Never let go of a single chance to get your loved one in your life, it's not like you'll get the opportunity all the time."


Today I came late to the office. Yesterday I was thinking of various ways to put forth my plans and that's why I slept late at night and because of that today I woke up late.
But who cares I am the boss here.

As I was walking towards my cabin I saw my Grey . She was sitting in the waiting section in the reception area. My legs immediately stopped. She was wearing simple clothes yet she was looking more beautiful than any other girl.

As I was busy staring at her I didn't saw Mr Grey coming from the other side. As he stopped near his daughter he looked at me with narrowed eyes just for a second and immediately lowered his gaze. Maybe he felt bad as I was checking his daughter out.
He still couldn't say anything to me yeah this is the benefit of being the boss, no one can scold you for your mistakes. I took out my phone and pretended to get busy on a call.

Grey gave her dad a mobile but that's not the thing that caught my attention, what caught my attention was the ring in her figure. My heart began to beat faster. I began to move away from there but before I can go further I heard Liam's voice.
He was congratulating Grey for something but Grey's expressions were dull. She wasn't happy for whatever reason Liam was wishing her and I can see that clearly. She might have come here to give her dad's mobile. Maybe he had forgotten it at home today but whatever the reason is at least I got to see her. Thinking that I went towards my cabin.

After entering my cabin I stood near the window and saw Grey coming out of the building. From the way she was wiping her cheeks, I knew she's crying for some reason and I promised my heart that soon I'll take away all her sorrows and I'll fill her life with happiness. Even though she's stranger for me still I don't know why I feel something for her in my heart but whatever my feelings are for her I never had such feelings for any other girl in my life.

After sitting on my chair I called Patrick. He was the only person in my knowledge who can get information about any person within a small period of time so I called him and asked him to find if Grey is engaged or not.

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In the evening...

"Yes, Mr Pride she is engaged," Patrick informed me and I felt disheartened.

"With whom?" I asked Patrick.

"With their family friend Mr Jones son Sam." He replied.

My blood boiled hearing that name Sam, Jones but I still have to confirm my doubt whether he's the same Sam that I'm thinking or is he someone else? So to clear my doubts I asked about his surname and address and Patrick confirmed my doubt, "yes Mr Pride he is the same Sam Jones Summer having the same address that you told."

I cut the call and began thinking why did she get engaged to that Bastard. He changed his girlfriends like clothes. If he marries my Grey he will cheat on her every day and I couldn't just let her marry anyone otherwise those grey eyes will haunt me every night. I'll have to make her mine before it's too late.

A very good idea came in my mind and with that, a wicked smirk appear on my face and I murmur, "Just wait for some time Grey, you'll be mine very soon. I always get what I want and know it's you who I want and if I don't get what I want I just snatch it. You are mine and I don't leave the subject of my liking for someone else."

I only need to put forth my plan at the right time, at the right moment. I need to be patience and calm but attentive. I need to think wisely and I will.


SO Finally our hero got to know about the engagement. To know how Kayon knows Sam wait for 2 more updates...

The song above expresses Kayon's feelings for crystal.

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