42.Dinner At Home...

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"It's not about the quantity but it's quality that matters in love...
It's not how much you love in the start but how much you love till the end..."


"Kayon are you ready?" Asking this I entered his room without knocking and regretted it as soon as I entered. He was standing in front of his mirror with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I looked at his muscular body and kept on staring. This is the first time in my life that I am seeing such an amazing muscular body in front of me in reality. I mean I saw such body only in movies.

"Do you have your mobile with you?" My trial of thoughts was broken by his question.

I felt embarrassed about being caught red-handed. To hide my blushing face I looked down and replied as yes.

"Then click my photo, as I can't stand here for too long but you can admire my photo for as long as you want." He told me with a wicked smirk plastered on his face. I ran out of his room but I heard him laughing.

After some time he called me to come outside. Then sitting in his car we headed towards my parent's house.

Dinner At Crystal's parent's house...

"Cryst takes some nuggets," my mom told giving a plate full of nuggets to me. I took two pieces and placed them on my plate.

"That pendant is so cute Cryst. You disliked jewellery before but this one is looking very beautiful child." My mom told.

"Kayon bought it for me," I told mom and she knowingly nodded her head.

"So Kay I think so the DCC ceremony is cancelled," Ednil told Kayon. My parents have invited him too. Within these few days, he became too friendly with my dad as if he is my cousin.

"What's that ceremony about? I haven't heard of any such thing before?" Dad asked.

"Nothing Mr... I mean uncle. Sometimes he just says senseless things. Isn't it true Ed?" Kayon asked him but I knew there is something that he wants to hide from the way he is glaring at Ednil.

"Yeah... Yeah... It's nothing important uncle." Ednil replied but I saw how he smirked while looking at Kayon.

When he looked at me I raised my eyebrows but he only shrugged and continued eating.



After having dinner we men sat on the lawn. As soon as uncle left us alone I held Ed's collar and asked him, "so Ed what the hell is this DCC ceremony? I think you have some new idea in that messy head of your only to irritate me. I am warning you Ed don't talk rubbish sh** in front of my wife. You can keep your filthy jokes for yourself."

Removing my hands from his collar Ed replied, "you forgot too soon Kay. I told you if you don't take my advice then you can cut your that thing and stick it here." He pointed a finger at my di** and then on my head. Then he continued, "DCC means Di** Cutting Ceremony." Saying this he laughed like a madman. I was beyond angry. He always does this, I mean talking filthy stuff. I was about to punch him but stopped hearing Grey's voice.
"Is everything alright?" She questioned.

"Yeah, everything is alright. Your husband is very funny and I was laughing at one of his jokes." Ed replied but she looked at him in a way as if he is having horns on his head. "It's getting late. I should leave before its too late." Saying so Ed stood up and went inside to say bye to uncle and aunty before going.

After some time we too left.


After Reaching Home...

"Kayon can we stay at your dad's house?"
Crystal suddenly asked me while drinking her coffee. We were sitting in the kitchen.

"Why?" I enquired.

"That day when you proposed to me on my birthday your dad told my dad that he believes that I will fill his house with colours of happiness and also..." She wanted to say more but stopped.

"Although it feels good that you care for my father's feelings still that house will never experience any colour of happiness. All relations are not normal like they seem. And I don't want our parents to know the reality of our relationship as according to your conditions we can't stay in the same room. So no, we can't stay there." I told her.

A look of disappointment crossed her face but then I saw a look of relief. She then told, "cut that condition."

"What?" I asked her only to confirm that what I heard was correct or not. I can't believe she agreed to share the room with me.

"Yes Kayon, I mean I can stay in the same room as you. I'll sleep on the couch and you can have the bed all for yourself." She replied.

I was beyond happy. Not because I was eager to go there but I was eager to share a room with my sweet wife.

Before heading towards my room I told her, " ok then, tomorrow we'll shift there as aunt Clare is coming there tomorrow. She is dads cousin and lives in Florida. She wasn't feeling well that's why she couldn't attend our wedding. Now she is fine and will be here by the evening. She'll stay here for a few days.

"Ok" was her only reply but I saw that uncomfortable look on her face. She is a shy type of girl. She doesn't mix up easily so I can understand how uncomfortable she might be feeling. Aunt Clare's daughter Emerald had a great crush on me since the time we were teenagers. She is of my age. She once tried to seduce me but failed as I never saw her more than a little sister. I just hope that she behaves properly with my Grey. Still, I need to warn Grey in such a way that she shouldn't doubt anything. So I told her, "we'll have to pretend to be a loving couple in front of my dad and aunt, the same way how we pretended at your house. And aunt Clare's daughter Emerald is a bit rude so don't mind her much."
Although whatever I felt or did at her parent's house was real I wasn't pretending anything but I can't express my feelings to her now.

Author's Note:

Any guesses what will happen next?

Will Emerald create any problem in their relationship or will she help them come closer?

Do my lovely readers want some jealous drama?

Let me know your views...

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