Jimin watched Jungkook's every move and he noticed that he was visibly shaking. Jimin held his head down, negativity spreading into his mind. The night he raped an innocent boy...

"Master please!"

"I-I'm begging you!"

"Please stop"


Jimin felt his head being tilted up, making him look up into Jungkook's big, doe eyes as a slight blush crept up onto Jimin's cheeks. Jimin felt Jungkook graze his thumb over his cheek, which made him tilt his head slightly. Jimin slowly reached his hand up touch his cheek, feeling liquid on them before he removed his fingers from his cheek.


Jimin sniffled softly before he wiped his tears with the back of his hand, but Jungkook didn't remove his hand from his cheek as he gazed down at the black haired male. Jungkook felt slightly guilty, he has never seen Jimin cry so quietly, as if he was trying to hide it. Jungkook removed his hand from Jimin's cheek and grabbed out an anti-bacteria wipe. He gently wiped it on Jimin's black eye, he jumped when Jimin winced loudly before releasing a soft groan as he looked up at Jungkook.

"I-I'm sorry, you can continue..." he said softly, making Jungkook nod his head before he continued. Jungkook stood up from in front of Jimin and tossed the bloody wipe into the trash, "I'm going to get ice...." Jungkook said before he walked into the kitchen, appearing moments after with a bag of ice in his hands. Jimin reached over for the bag until Jungkook moved his hand further away.

"L-let me do it..." Jungkook mumbled softly.

Jimin nodded his head before he leaned back into the chair. Jungkook slowly lifted the bag of ice to Jimin's eye before he gently pressed the bag of ice down. Jimin grunted softly as soon as the chilly sensation of the bag settled onto his eye, but after a few minutes, the coolness felt nice on his eye.

Jungkook pulled out a chair next to Jimin and sat down on it, resting his head on his palm as he continued to hold the bag of ice on Jimin's eye. Jimin grew slightly worried as he studied Jungkook's face. Jungkook's usual honey toned skin was now slightly fair as the dark circles under his eyes seemed to pop out more than it did before.

Without thinking about it, Jimin reached out his hand to rest on Jungkook's cheek, softly caressing it with his thumb as they made eye contact with each other. Jungkook's anxiety levels were rising up each passing second as he stared into Jimin's dark colored orbs. As much as he tried to look away, he couldn't. It was like Jimin's eyes held Jungkook in a trance that he didn't want to get out of.

Tears slowly brimmed Jimin's eyes as he recalled the painful memory where he hurt Jungkook. Jimin breathed shakily before he took his hand away, looking down at his clenched up hands as a warm tear rolled down his cheek. Jungkook looked up at Jimin with concern before he gently placed the bag of ice on the kitchen table, turning his body towards Jimin. Jimin's tears didn't stop flowing, he didn't make a sound, not even a soft whimper.
Jimin removed his gaze from his hands and forced himself to focus them on the boy in front of him.

"I-I'm so fucking sorry..." Jimin breathed out.

Jungkook gasped in shock as the usual cold, demanding person that was his master, turned into this crying, sad person. Jungkook felt tears brim his eyes but, he blinked them away as he stared at his master's figure. Jimin coughed softly before he spoke up again, his voice filled with sadness and guilt as he stared at Jungkook with sorrowful eyes.

"Y-you didn't deserve....t-that!" Jimin wiped away his tears that rolled down his cheeks but it didn't work as fresh ones replaced them.

"I'm such a fucking idiot...." Jimin mumbled as he rested his head on the table. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out, only a tiny squeak as tears flowed down his pink-tinted cheeks.

Jimin's eyes widened as he turned his head to look at Jungkook, he gently grabbed Jungkook's head with his hands and quickly wiped away his tears. Jungkook sobbed quietly as he grasped onto Jimin's hands that were holding his head. Jimin's chest tightened up as he tried to contain his cries, "N-no, d-don't cry.... I-I deserve the p-pain...." Jimin stuttered as he gently grazed his thumb under Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook shook his head frantically as he tightly closed his eyes, his head was pounding from crying but his heart hurt more whenever he saw Jimin's depressed face.

"N-no y-you *hic* d-don't!" Jungkook wailed as he slowly opened his eyes. Jimin shook his head softly, gently moving the small strands of hair that fell onto Jungkook's face.

"Yes, I-I do...I-I can take it, my mother left me....my father never loved me... a-and...." Jimin closed his eyes tightly as he remembered his mother's beautiful face and loving aura, releasing a loud sob once he realized he would never fell it again...

"A-and now.... you'll leave me...." He finished saying as he removed his grip from Jungkook, only to hear Jungkook's cries growing more louder once he did. Jungkook frantically held Jimin's hands in his own, as if it was the last 5 minutes on Earth as he stared into Jimin's tear filled eyes.

"N-no! I don't care what you did! I-I s-still care about you! I always will, nothing you could do will make me stop caring!" Jungkook cried as he briefly stared down at his stomach. Jimin gently removed Jungkook's hands from his own as he stood up from his chair.

"J-Jungkook, it's alright...you can be with Jin, I know he cares about you..." Jimin said as more painful tears rolled down his cheeks, making him turn his head away from Jungkook's eyes.

"I'm making the right decision...right"

Jungkook ran up to Jimin and hugged him tightly as he shook his head. Jimin bit his tongue softly before he turned around in Jungkook's hold, grabbing Jungkook's arms around him and easily prying them off as he looked down at Jungkook.

"D-don't make this harder than it should be... y-you be safe, far away from me... y-you'll be happier, you'll be protected....away from someone as pathetic as me-" Jimin's didn't finish as he felt...

Jungkook's lips on his...



I'm listening to Jungkook's "If you"

(I did it 😂)

(It did for me)


I'm thinking this book is kinda sucky and I'm probably going to unpublish it because it's not that good :/

Give me your thoughts~

I purple you~! 💜

(Not proffered, I apologize for any mistakes)

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