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"Taylor these look horrible" corbyn said as he looked at my wrist, "babe I think they look beautiful, it will be gone in a few days" he shook his head as he kissed over the bruises, "I didn't want to hurt you" I smiled and kissed him.

"That's the whole point of a pain kink, and it really didn't hurt baby" he shook his head, he picked me up from the chair and we walked to the bedroom, laying me down on the bed.

"Baby, what are you going we have to get to school" he shook his head "what if we skipped today" I giggled "wouldn't it look a bit weird" he shook his head as he cuddled into me.

"Come on babe, let's just lay in bed and cuddle today" I giggled and kissed his head "you don't want me going to school with my wrist" he slowly shook his head.

"Babe" I started but he stopped me "I scared of what people will think when they see them, the teacher are going to talk and they might be worried about your home life, so no I don't want you going to school with this" he said taking his hands in mine.

"I'll just tell them that my boyfriend fucked me good" he laughed and shook his head "just a little nervous about it is all" I smiled and kissed him "fine we can skip today but not tomorrow, I'll use makeup to cover the bruises" he smiled.

"Thank you baby" I kissed him and nodded "anything thing for you love"


"So did you two" I asked Katlyn as I recovered the bruises I just showed her "yes, my ass hurts, he really hits hard" I giggled "we also kinda got into an argument" I looked at her weird.

"What do you mean kinda" she shrugged "well I mean, we were arguing and then we were like cuddling and I don't know it's weird" "well what happened"

"I guess he got upset that I was joking about my age and all that and I was like you need to face that if we tell anyone then you can get into serious trouble, and then he wanted to sit her and argue that we wouldn't ever tell anyone"

"So I was like, did we even make it official that we are even dating or that we are anything more than just two people that fuck and he kinda really got pissed" I shook my head "well did you two ever make it a thing" she shrugged, "I want to say yes but we never actually said we were dating"

"Okay, well tell him that, he's older he should understand that" she smiled "what would I ever do without you" I giggled, I watched as corbyn walked through the lunch hall doors.

He walked straight to one of the teachers that were watching us, he whispered something in her ear and she nodded and he left. I watched as she walked over to Katlyn and I smiling, "mr. besson would like to see you both on an account of grades in his classroom" we smiled and her and nodded.

We got up and left.

Once we made it into corbyn's classroom I smiled, "you wanted to see us mr.besson" he nodded and pointed to the two seats in front of him.

He got up and closed the door, not saying anything as he sat down, "I was grading papers today and I came across both of yours, they were turned it back to back" he both nodded.

"And well Katlyn you aren't in Taylor's class, and this handwriting look exactly the same and far different from your normal writing Katlyn" we looked at each other. "I told you I shouldn't turn it in" I said quietly.

"I'm sorry mr.besson, I was just extremely busy with my home life and totally forgot about it but you had already warned me about not doing my homework and I couldn't do detention again, so I asked Taylor if she could do it while she was doing hers and she did" I nodded.

"She really needed the help" corbyn nodded slowly, "and you think just because you didn't want detention that it's okay to cheat" we both shook our heads. Seeing corbyn like this was kinda turning me on, so I crossed my legs and squeezed my thighs together trying to relieve the pressure.

"Don't do that" corbyn said while looking at me, Katlyn gave me a weird look, "sorry Mr.Besson"

"Okay listen girls, this will be a warning but next time detention for both of you" we both nodded, "Katlyn you can go back to lunch, also tell jack to call me when he gets off work" she stood up and nodded.

Corbyn smiled at me, "what was that about" he asked pointing to my legs, I blushed a little "you look hot when your a little mad" he laughed and bit his lip "don't make my job harder baby" I smiled "I gotta get to class" I said after the bell rang "but I'll see you at home"

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