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Corbyns pov
"No jack listen, yes, okay but you aren't listening to me" I said while jack cut me off with a new sentence every time I tried to speak "no listen" I gave up, running a hand through my hair, "what know you don't want to speak, you told me to call you" I shook my head "can I talk now"

"Yes" he said and I took a deep breath, "I called only to tell you that the school needs a new English teacher and you said you have your major in it along with mythology, and you were talking about getting away from the school you work at now, I was just thinking you'd like to apply" I heard him take a breath.

"Would I be teacher Katlyn" "no, she took English 3 last year" I heard Taylor walked into the apartment and I gave her a smile, she was carrying a bag from the mall.

She gave me a kiss and walked to our room, "Okay, I'll apply, give me the information"

Taylor's pov
"I don't know Katlyn I kinda just wanted to go shopping, beside we normally always go shopping after a long day" she giggled and nodded as we walked around the mall.

"I was thinking of getting some makeup, or more makeup and you could like teach me" she giggled and nodded, I sucked at doing makeup and well Katlyn loves it and is actually really good at it.

After about an hour of shopping for makeup, I decided that I needed to get to corbyns before he like freaks or something and when I walked in he was in the phone.

I gave him a quick kiss and walked into the room, putting the makeup on the bathroom counter still in the bag and then sitting on the bed, corbyn soon joined me.

He pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head, "baby, I have a question" I looked up at him "yes" I asked, he smiled and kissed me.

"I know you pretty much live here, so do you wanna actually move in with me, I mean your apartment is being used by Katlyn right and you stay here all the time so I mean why don't you just move in" I smiled.

"Well are you sure" he smiled and nodded, "yeah, it's not like we need to move anything around you have clothes here in the dresser and the closet, everything is here so.. just officially move in with me"

I smiled and kissed him "I'd love to officially live here also, but you know I have to keep the apartment cause my mom would flip shit with me moving in" he giggled and nodded "yeah no I got that" I smiled and sat on his lap.

"Long day" he asked as I laid my head on his chest and he rubbed my back, "you have no clue" he kissed the top of my head, "was I too rough at lunch today" I shook my head "no baby, you didn't even give us detention, it was just like today took forever"

"Well no more cheating okay" I giggled and nodded "I know"


The next morning I walked into school and stopped when my phone rang, "hello" I answered to see that my mother was calling "darling I was calling to see how you are, we haven't talk in quite some time and I wanted to see how you are" I giggled to myself.

Did I ever mention my mother was British? No, didn't think so "well I'm fine mother, I'm at school"

"Oh right darling I forgot, anyway I was also calling because they school called and said that you weren't there Monday, were you sick love because I told them you were" I grabbed my books out of my locker and headed for the other building where my first class was.

"Yeah, I was running a small fever and was a getting sick a bit, katlyns mom came over and made me soup, made sure I was okay, I guess I forgot to call"

"Well that's alright darling, listen I'll be in town next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday" I bit my lip "really? Okay I'll set the next bedroom up for you"

"Sounds perfect darling, can't wait to see your beautiful face again, oh how I've missed you"

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