listen to todoroki

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Y/n's POV

Todoroki and I go to the cafe after school to study for exams that are coming up before break starts. Like the way I found my cafe back in New York, this cafe that I occasionally find Bakugou at, is my new spot.

We sit silently across the table from each other as he writes down in his notebook. I look up from reading my notes and peak over at what he's writing.

"Geez you're handwriting is so neat," I say impressed, "compared to Izuku's at least because his is like chicken scratch."

"You think?" he asks, "thank you"

I nod.
"What're you writing anyways?" I ask.

"Hm?" he flips through his notebook, "I'm copying down lecture notes since it helps me retain the information least that's how it works for me."

"Ooo smart idea," I say pointing at him causing him to smirk.

I rummage through my pencil pouch to find a colored pen to annotate my notes with besides my black pen. I then find my purple one. I grab it and begin to underline my notes. As I watch the purple ink sink into the paper as I draw a line, I get a flashback from a couple days ago of the purple haired boy I saw.

I look up at Todoroki to see him back writing and in the zone. I hesitate to ask him not knowing if I should or not. I pretend to be making notes but really am just stalling and thinking to myself. I let out a sigh and place my pen on the table.

"Hey Todoroki, sorry to bug you again but I have a question," I finally say.

"No it's ok, what is it?" he asks setting down his pen as well.

"Do you by any chance know a guy with purple hair?"

Todoroki raises an eyebrow and looks up to the ceiling trying to think if he did. After a couple seconds of thinking he looks back at me.
"I don't know them personally but I could think of one guy that has purple hair who goes to UA that you may be talking about," he finally says, "does he have a lot of hair?"

I nod, "and purple eyes."

"I think that's Shinso you're talking about," he says coming to conclusions.

"Shinso..." I say to myself. The name didn't ring a bell.
"Is he in class 1-B?"

Todoroki shakes his head, "he's in the general department, class 1-C."

"Huh," I say sitting back in my chair crossing my arms.

"Why do you ask anyways?"

I look into Todoroki's different colored eyes and move my mouth to the side, "well, it's kinda weird...
I straighten myself, "after our training I went to change and left my phone in the locker room by accident so I went back to get it and after I walked out he was coming down the hallway towards me and when we passed he looked into my eyes, like DEEP into my gave me chills."

Todoroki hums to himself, "I'd stay away from him if I were you."

"What? Why?" I ask curiously.

"He doesn't sound like someone you should be around, I heard his quirk is brainwashing."

"Woah...kinda like eraserhead??"

Todoroki pauses then silently laughs as he thinks about Aizawa's hero name, "yea I guess so."

I giggle, "but brainwashing you say, that's pretty villainous don't you think?"

"Well he is in a hero school but I can see where you're coming from..."

We silently sit across the table from each other again thinking to ourselves for a bit. I then shake my head.

"Anyways sorry... I needed to tell at least someone about that encounter," I say.

"Yea don't worry about it," Todoroki nods.

"Well then, shall we get back to studying," I say grabbing my purple pen.

"Oh yea," he says picking up his blue pen off his notebook, "almost forgot why we were here."

And with that said, we stayed focused for the rest of the time at the cafe. Although I couldn't focus any better than before. What Todoroki had said about staying away from Shinso continued to linger in my head.

(717 words)

Author's Note :
shorter chapter sorry ahh
bear with my slow and bad updates ;(

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