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Y/n's POV

It's recovery Sunday meaning I spend some time to myself, basically getting ready for the following week. I told my mom I'd do the groceries since she's been pretty exhausted with work lately. She left me some money on the kitchen counter for the shopping.

I get changed and take the grocery list she made, and head on over to the store. Another reason for loving where I live, is that it's basically in the middle of everything, it's all a good walking distance away.

I carry a couple of reusable bags in my left hand and hold my phone in my right. I scroll through the messages I had missed from Kirishima's group message. I, for some reason, am in it all of a sudden.

After reading some of their nonsense and memes, I tuck my phone away in my purse and pay attention to my surroundings. My favorite part about the walks is noticing every small detail of how beautiful Musutafu is.

I'm so lucky to be back here

I get to the market and grab a plastic basket to carry with me for my groceries. I start off with the veggie and fruit section first. I glance at the list making sure to grab the necessities first before choosing some of my side snacks.

Once I make it to the freezer section of the market, I see a boy with half red and half white hair, standing in front of one of the glass doors. I smile, happy to see him here.

"Todoroki!" I say to him while walking down the aisle.

He turns around a bit startled but then smiles, "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Grocery shopping too?" I ask now standing next to him.

He nods, "yup, my sister usually comes with me but she didn't today."

" how's it going?"

"Pretty good, just doing errands. Do anything fun this weekend?"

"Hung out with my mom...went to the cafe and saw Bakugou there to my surprise-,"

"Bakugou hangs out at the cafe?" Todoroki asks with an o-shaped mouth.

"Yea?? Funny right..." I say, "and I hung out with...uh Deku"

I begin to cringe at the thought of what I did last night.

"Oh Midoriya? How was that?"

"It was nice, we watched a movie and stuff..."

Todoroki pauses, "....and stuff?"

I wave my hands up at him, "N-No! Nothing like that if that's what you were thinking!"

"Ah gotcha," he says looking at the freezer door again.

I spot one of the items on my list to be right in front of me in the freezer section. I open the door, feeling a brief moment of chilly air, and grab the frozen box. As I close the door, the glass begins to fog up on the inside.

I tuck the box away into my basket, when I hear Todoroki.

"So I've been wondering about this..." he begins.

I look at him intrigued for what he has to say.

"Are you and Midoriya a thing? If that's what you call it..."

"Wha- what makes you think that?" I ask with an uneasy feeling.

"Just that you guys have known each other for a long time...and I feel like Midoriya likes you but don't take my word...I just get that vibe."

I just stand there dumbfounded.

Todoroki stares at me for a couple of seconds then goes to grab what he was looking at from the freezer.

"Should..." I start to say.

Todoroki looks at me again waiting for me to finish.

I look into his two different colored eyes, "...should I confess?"

He pouts his lips to the corner of his mouth before nodding making my stomach flip.

"I believe you should if you really have feelings for him," he says.

"But I'm scared that he doesn't see me the same way... I mean how would you feel in my position??"

"I wouldn't say anything because I'm too shy."

"Todoroki and you're telling me I should confess? He's going to think I'm insane."

"Don't think so negatively y/n... anyways, I think you should make a move because Midoriya might be too scared. Guys are afraid of rejection too you know..."

His statement leaves me quiet.

"Wow..." I say wide eyed, "I didn't know you'd be giving me this much advice Todoroki."

The boy just shrugs.

"Have you had a girlfriend before?"

Todoroki blushes, "no...I just— know somehow."

I smile at him, "well, I'll let you continue with your grocery shopping...thanks again."

"No problem, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yup, see ya," I say as we both walk opposite directions.

My heart is racing after having that conversation.

Well Todoroki is the first to know of my feelings for Izuku...he's made me realize just now how much I really do like him

( 835 words )

Author's note:
Excited to finish the next chapter ;)
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like the story

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