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{three days later}

Y/n's POV

"Got everything?" My dad asks.

We're standing right outside the security gates of the airport. I'm holding my suitcase and carry on standing in front of him.

"Yes sir," I say sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes then smiles, "good luck."

My smile quivers unexpectedly and I hug him, "thanks."

"Don't forget to call me every once in awhile to let me know how everything's going," he says.

"I won't!"

We finally separate and I wave him good bye. Although I can say my dad is one of the biggest assholes I know, he did prepare me for what's ahead.
Once I was through security I text my mom:

[Y/n] I'm leaving soon :)

After sending the text I hold my phone up to my chest. I'm already anxious to see her again. I'm even more anxious to see a certain boy. I frown remembering there's no way he could've gotten into UA also.

He's quirkless, everyone who gets or has ever gotten in, has a quirk

"I can always visit him then," I say out loud reassuring myself.

While walking to my gate I pass by a family and hear their daughter gasp.

"That's the girl! Dad dad look the one who saved that family with her amazing quirk!"

I turn around to see the girl, who looked to be ten, her eyes widening as she looks into my eyes. She seemed familiar, indeed she was a stranger but she reminded me of myself when I was little. I could tell how nervous she got by how tense she looked so I smile at her and wave making her relax again. It's weird having people look up to you like this, but it makes me want to do better in the future.

The plane ride was just as long as I expected. I flew out of the JFK airport into Hosu City. I stare out my window and look down at the city beginning to appear larger. Once my phone had service I text my mom again:

[y/n] landed!

A minute later she responds:
[mom] see you soon!

I smile at her text.
Once the plane lands everyone begins to file out of the exit. I grab my carry on and walk through the narrow aisle. Once I exit the plane and walk through the tunnel connection, my heart begins to race.

This is it, you'll finally see your mother after 8 years

I step into the fresh chilly airport and take a deep breath. I look around trying to find someone who looks like my mom from what I can remember of her.


I flip my head around to see a familiar face smiling at me.

Tears fill my eyes, "Mom!"

I run into her arms as she hugs me back. She still has the same scent from when I was little.

"Oh you're so beautiful!" She says holding my hand.

I laugh while wiping my eyes.

"Y/n I'm so proud of you! You got into UA!"

"Thanks...it wasn't easy though," I say in return.

"Come on, let's go home," she says leading me, "I need you to tell me everything."

On the car ride home I tell her about my constant training and the detailed story of my encounter with the villain. My mom was in total shock as I told her the story and she kept asking questions.

I stare out the window of the car and watch the telephone wires and the distant green mountains travel with me. The sky starts to turn a light orange as the sun begins to set. It's my favorite time of day, especially in Musutafu.

I make it back to my original house I grew up in and already feel the memories start to come back to my head.

"I can't believe it's still the same house," I say with a huge smile.

I immediately run to my old room and everything is exactly how I remember leaving it. Even my old bedsheets are there, my drawings, photos.

"I didn't dare to rearrange anything in your room after you left," I hear my mom say, "I've only came in to dust and vacuum."


"I missed you so much" she says with her eyes tearing up.

"Mom don't cry," I say hugging her once again, "I missed you too."

There's a brief pause before my mom asks, "are you going to go see Izuku?"

"Oh my gosh yes!! I have so much to tell him! But...will he remember me?"

"Of course he will!" she says as we part, "he actually came by about a couple days ago..."


"He stopped by to tell me about you, how you were on the news, and him and Inko brought dinner."

"Oh my god!" I squeal, "he remembers me!!"

"He went on about how much he missed you," she continues.

"I-I can't express how much I've missed him," I say, "what time is it."

I check my phone and see how late it is, shutting down the plan I had to go see him now. I then remember I start UA tomorrow, "I think I'll visit him after school tomorrow, I need to get unpacked and ready still, it's getting late."

"Sounds like a good idea," my mom responds before exiting my room.

I watch her leave as I begin unpacking. I place everything where I could remember it was before I moved. The whole time I unpack I just think about Izuku.

"I wonder what he looks like now," I say to myself.

I start to get butterflies just thinking of seeing him again tomorrow.

( 966 words )

Author's Note:
Little do you know....

Thank you for reading! Next chapter will be twice as long lol

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