fight on

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Y/n's POV

I'm really proud that I got to be Todoroki's partner, I think we make a pretty great team.

"Good job," Todoroki says to me as we head to the monitor room.

I look at him and smile, "Thanks you too, your quirk is really powerful you know."

"Yours is something else though, I was pretty amazed."

"Says you," I respond smiling and looking away.

We make it to the monitor room and everyone turns their attention to us as we walk through the automatic doors.

"Y/n!! You're quirk is amazing!! So is yours Todoroki!" A boy with red spiky hair says running up to us.

"Thanks!" we say in unison.

"I'm sorry but what's your name?" I ask to the red haired boy.


"Nice to meet you," I smile shaking his hand.

"So who's up next?" Todoroki asks walking up to the large screen.

"Midoriya and Uraraka against Bakugou and Iida."

"Oh man... this is going to be tough to watch," I say to myself.

"I think so too because I heard Midoriya and Bakugou never got along...wait how did you know about their relationship if it's your first day?" Kirishima asks skeptical.

"Oh...well I use to go to school with the two of them before I moved."

"Wait what?" Kirishima and Todoroki say together.

"Yea I've know them before coming here..."

"No way so you grew up in Japan??" Kirishima asks.

"Yeah and I had to move because of my parents separation. And that's when I trained abroad for the next eight years of my life."

"Dannnggg," Kirishima responds with wide eyes while Todoroki looks at me with relation on my half.

"Woah All Might's here!" I say switching topics.

All Might stands in front of the large monitor holding a microphone way too small for his hand in front of him 

"Begin!!" All Might shouts into the microphone.

Todoroki and I look at the large screen and watch Izuku and a girl with short brown hair run together through the halls of the building.

"Who's she?" I ask the two boys allowing either to answer the question.

"Ochako Uraraka," Kirishima says first.

I nod and turn my head back around.
We can't hear what they're saying but I see a huge explosion happen on screen.

"Bakugou..." I mutter.

Bakugou comes out of the big cloud of smoke with the same grin as he had when we were little. Izuku protects the girl from the explosion by throwing himself on top of her. Half of his mask is gone so I can see his face again. He still wears the same cute freckles as kids....

Eventually the girl and Izuku split up so it's Izuku and Bakugou one on one.

Nonono what's Deku doing? He can't take down Bakugou

I see their mouths move and Bakugou throws another explosion at Izuku.

"I really wanna know what they're saying!" I shout.

"Knowing Bakugou, he's probably cursing him out," Kirishima responds.

"Classic Kachan..."

Izuku looks like he's in pain but he's holding up. I feel my hands turn to fists. I want to step in so badly and protect him.

meet again soon (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now