where it started

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{Musutafu 10 years ago}

"Why're you being so mean?", the small voice quavers, "you're making him cry kachan!"

A young boy with black and green wavy hair stands helplessly in front of his classmate who is laying on the ground crying.

He's standing in a fighting position, protecting the boy, "if you keep on hurting him... I-I won't forgive you!"

Another young boy with sandy blonde hair gives an evil smirk to the vulnerable boy.

"Even though you're quirkless you still try to be a hero..."

The boy with blonde hair makes a fist and punches his other hand creating an explosion while he smiles at the frightened boy, "Deku!"

Deku steps back in fear while Kachan and his two other friends charge towards the two helpless boys. But before any one of them can even lay a finger on Deku, a young girl with (h/c) hair, screams and the three boys fly backwards.

She wipes her nose then walks over and stands tall in front of deku and the other crying boy. She makes her way towards the bullies once she sees the shock in their eyes.

Kachan sits up grabbing his arm, "o-ouch!! What the-,"

"Don't ever mess with anyone like that!" The girl shouts in their faces, "or I can send you all flying back again."

She takes a few steps closer and two of the boys scramble away, except for Kachan who's still sitting on the ground holding his arm.

He glares at the girl with his beady yet large red eyes, "don't tell me what to do, you're just a girl."

He then gets up and trudges away.
The girl doesn't pay attention to his comment and hurries back over to help Deku and the other boy.

"Are you guys ok?", she asks.

Deku looks into the girl's (e/c) eyes.
"Y-Yea, thank you for helping us..." Deku says shyly.

"They were being mean..." the girl responds, "we should take him to the nurse."

Deku stares at the girl and her pointed finger and nods his head, "um.... you're y/n right?"

Y/n turns her head to Deku and smiles, "Yeah!"
Her smile plants one on Deku as well.

"And you are deku?" She asks.

"Izuku Midoriya actually... Deku is what Kachan calls me to make fun of me," he responds embarrassed.

She pauses, "but I like Deku."
His eyes widen and his cheeks turn pink.

"Is it ok if I call you that?" She asks.

Deku speechless, just nods.
She smiles once again and the two of them help the boy up and make their way to the nurse's office.

~the next day~

It's recess and Y/n is found sitting on the wooden bench next to the playground picking at the leaves off of the nearby bush. She looks up and spots Kachan, aka Bakugou, and his two friends playing in the distance, acting like idiots. Bakugou spots y/n staring at him and his friends and sticks his tongue out at her. She rolls her eyes and continues back to inspecting the leaf she had picked. As she traces the lines of the leaf with her small finger, she feels someone sit down next to her. She turns her head to see that the shy boy who she helped yesterday had sat down next to her.

"Hi Deku!" She happily says.

"Hello," he responds resting his hands in his lap yet his body tense.

meet again soon (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now