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{present day Musutafu}

Izuku's POV

I sit in my middle school classroom during lunch writing in my notebook. I set down my pen and sigh while stretching my arms out in front of me. I take a break and stare out the window where the bright afternoon light shines through.

I wonder what y/n's doing...
I bet her quirk is really strong by now

"Hey NERD!!" I hear a familiar voice shout from behind me.

I nervously turn around to see Kachan standing at the doorway with his two followers.

"Whatchya thinking about," he asks with an evil smirk coming closer to me.
I don't respond, just staring at him in hopes he would leave soon.

"It's a shame y/n isn't here, you two were quite the pair," he says standing right in front of my desk.
I turn my head not looking at him.

"What's this?" he asks picking up my notebook.

I gasp, "Wait Kachan! Please give that back!"

"Are you seriously taking notes on how to be a hero?" Kachan asks while flipping through it.

"HA pathetic," one of the other boys say peering behind Kachan's shoulder.

"P-please Kachan!!" I say trying to reach out for it.

Before I know it Kachan burns my notebook and throws it out the window.

"NO!" I shout scarmbling out of my seat.
I quickly run over to the window and see my notebook floating on top of the small pond.

"Just face it Deku! You'll never be a hero."

Before I can say anything, they disappear from the classroom. I feel my shoulders droop as I lean against the classroom wall.

If only y/n were here....

I walk home after school in the late afternoon sun. The lighting starts to turn the homes and buildings an orange color. This was called the golden hour, just by the way the sun rays turn everything golden. I look up staring at the clouds roll through the orange sky.

I hold my wrinkled notebook to my chest as I continue to walk along the sidewalk getting closer to my house.

"Stupid Kachan," I mutter to myself while kicking a rock.

I finally make it to my apartment structure and go up to my floor. I open the front door to spot my mom standing behind the couch watching the tv. I close the door and take off my shoes.

"Izuku! Come look at the news it just came on!" She shouts at me.

I quickly walk in my socks, trying not to slip, over to the couch and look at the tv.
It was the news reporting a villain attack in New York City.

"Oh man that's a lot of destruction," I say as I see the concrete torn up and debris on the streets, "wait.... New York City..."

I wonder if y/n saw this yet?

"Just in, a cannibal villain takes a family hostage," the news reporter states, "luckily the villain has been captured by police forces, but only because a young girl stepped into the scene stopping the villain herself, before any pro heroes could come."

"Oh my," my mom states putting her hand up to her mouth.

"Here are some witnesses of the scene," the reporter says transitioning.

An older man appears on screen with a microphone held to his mouth, "I was right by when it happened, before I could even call 911, this young lady sprints towards the scene without hesitation and immediately saves the family. It's amazing, but not as amazing as her quirk. Being so young still, she can achieve such great things with that quirk of hers when she grows up."

My mouth begins to open.

Another witness appears on screen, except he's a lot younger, maybe a little older than me, "I actually was this girl's waiter about five minutes before this attack even happened. I briefly talked to her about this journal she was reading. I don't think she liked me that much but, her journal had a description of her and even her quirk. It said she had the force. At first I didn't quite believe it but right when I saw her use her quirk on the villain, I was in complete shock."

"Y/n??" I shout.

"And do you know the girls name by chance?" The reporter asks.

"I do, her name was y/n but I didn't catch her last name."


My mom gasps, "oh my goodness! I wonder if her mother saw this yet."

"Is she alright?? Where is she??" I shout at the tv even though I knew I wouldn't get a response.

"Y/n has been rushed to the hospital due to her state of being after stopping the villain" the reporter continues.

My heart is pounding at this point. How much I'd give to just go and visit her, to go talk to her again...

( 836 words)

Author's Note:
Next few chapters will be shorter than usual but then there'll come a long one!

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