dress to impress

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{ 1 week later }

y/n's POV

It's been a week since the dance was announced and I was hoping Izuku would have at least mentioned something about it during that time span but he never did. I'm starting to get a bit impatient because I really want him to ask me but I don't want to bother him about it.

I sigh as I flick off an eraser shaving from my desk. I start to daydream about the dance during math class, so while everyone's finishing the problem assigned I sit staring into nothing. I blankly look at the wall until Todoroki taps my shoulder. I turn and look at him to see him holding his notebook with the math problem scribbled in pencil.

"Is this what you got?" he asks.

I stare at his answer that he boxed and shake my head.

"Then what'd you get?" he asks setting down his notebook back on his desk.

"I didn't do it," I respond.


I sigh again while resting my head on my hand, "Because I was thinking about something else..."

Todoroki stares at me silently before he begins, "It's about the dance isn't it?"

I look at him and nod this time. He can tell I have a disappointed expression.

"Don't worry there's still a week left for asking, besides they're announcing where it's gonna be today," he says.

"Yea I know, I'm just so eager," I say while playing with my pencil.

"Y/n what did you get for X?" pro hero Ectoplasm asks.

My heart races once I hear my name called from the front of the room. Everyone turns to look at me and I frantically look at Todoroki's notebook that he held sneakily for me to see.

"Uhhh... x=6?" I say flinching.

"That's correct," he says while writing the answer on the board.

I exhale with relief and mouth 'thank you' to Todoroki as he just smiles at me. Suddenly, the class door opens and everyone turns their attention to it.

"Hello students, I'm back," Midnight says entering into our classroom, "and with the spring dance location!"

Excitement fills the room as everyone murmurs to each other. I smile to myself and see Izuku turn his head slightly over his shoulder to look at me. I pout my lips, resting my chin on my hand again as my eyes wander around the room.

"Your spring dance will be held downtown in Tokyo!"

The atmosphere in the class becomes a lot lighter all of a sudden. I listen to everyone's side conversations...

"I told you!"

"Omg in the city! I can't wait~"

"I need a black dress!"

"Bro it's gonna be so sick!"

"It's going to be at a nightclub that'll be decorated for the dance," Midnight finishes before leaving the class, "I hope to see you all dressed up on Saturday!"

Ectoplasm turns his attention back to us students again, "alright math class has five minutes left so start cleaning up and have a good rest of your day."

With that said everyone begins to pack their bags before the end of school bell rang. I think to myself while putting my pencils in my pencil pouch, about how I've been acting lately.

I'm being kind of an ass about this whole thing, maybe Izuku doesn't wanna go and isn't into dances. But I really want to go so who cares if I go stag with Kirishima and Bakugou...

meet again soon (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now