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Y/n's POV

After school, while packing my things, I spot Kirishima walking towards me from the corner of my eye. I look at him and see Bakugou following behind.

"Yooo," he says as he approaches me.

"Hey Kiri! So you excited for this dance??" I respond while putting on my backpack.

"Hell yea! I always see the classic high school dances in movies and I can't wait to finally be part of one!"

I laugh, "me too."

Bakugou stands awkwardly to the side with his hands in his pockets, leaning against a desk.

"So, do you guys have anyone in mind that you wanna ask?" I question.

"Ahhh not at the and Bakugou are probably gonna go stag, right?" he says nudging Bakugou's arm.

"Umph- If I'm even going," he grumbles.

"Sure you're going! Anyways, there's only 7 girls in our class so there'll be guys going without a date unless they ask someone from class B or something," he says switching his attention back to me.

"Whether going stag or with a date, it'll still be a great experience!"

"I agree," he smiles, "well we're gonna get some food, I'll see you tomorrow y/n!"

I wave to Kirishima as him and Bakugou exit the room together. As they walk out I see my crush standing by the door waiting for me. We both smile simultaneously making eye contact. I skip on over to him.

"Hey! You ready?" I say.

"Yup! Let's go," he follows.

-mini time skip-

Izuku and I take the subway downtown to hang out. I haven't been in a subway since I left New York and I notice how much nicer they are here. There's still a rush of people going places in their suits with briefcases so all the seats are taken on the train. Izuku and I manage to fit on the crowded train but have to stand. I hold onto the cold metal pole in the center of the train. Izuku grasps onto it above my hand. Since it's packed, I'm standing shoulder to shoulder against Izuku.

After around fifteen minutes, we get to our stop. We hop off the train and walk out of the underground station. I make my way up the stairs from the station and the fresh cool air fills my lungs as I exhale the muggy air from being underground. Izuku does the same while he stretches his arms outwards. We both head to the ice cream parlor that Izuku had recommended we go to. He buys me my ice cream even though I tried to refuse.

"I was gonna pay," I say frowning.

"Well you can next time if I let you," he says jokingly.

I pout at him while licking my ice cream holding it by the cone. He winks at me in response. We sit ourselves at a small circular table on the patio outside the ice cream shop. The rain had cleared up by lunch so it's a nice blue sky and a few clouds now, with the sun slowly drying up the excess water on the ground from the rain.

I stare at Izuku as he looks off into the distance towards the horizon. The sun gleaming onto his skin.

Do I ask him about the dance...?

I hesitate but decide not to say anything.

"It's so funny how it was stormy this morning and it just cleared up," Izuku says.

I look at him again and he's staring at me with those beautiful emerald eyes of his.

"I know, strange weather," I respond while continuing to eat my ice cream.

He slowly nods at me and I can tell there's something else he wanted to say but he doesn't. A breeze comes causing me to rub my arms. Even though the sun is out, the air is still a little chilly.

"Oof it's cold, do you wanna walk around? I need to get my blood running," I say standing up and fixing my uniform skirt.

"Yea sure," he says following me.

We walk together down a cute street holding our ice cream. There're shops open filled with unique food or kawaii merchandise.

"Aw this street is so cute," I say scanning my surroundings.

"Yea it's interesting, I remember my mom taking me down here just after my dad left for his business trips," he says with a nostalgic tone.

"Have you heard from him lately?" I ask.

"I talk to him occasionally to catch up and stuff, but that's it," he says, "I just wish I could see him in person again."

I frown but then say reassuringly, "it'll be ok, he's gonna come back and you'll have a huge story to tell."

He looks at me with a blush and smiles, "yea"

-time skip-

Izuku's POV

After about three hours of spending our time downtown and just talking and hanging out, it was time to head on home. The sun disappeared causing the city lights to turn on. We walk back to the station and wait for our train. I see y/n yawn beside me as we wait. Once the train comes, we hop on it. No one is on it now, only about five other people in our cart.

We sit down in the cold uncomfortable plastic seats and wait patiently for our stop. After two minutes of being on the train y/n rests her head on my shoulder and falls asleep. This takes me back to the night we watched a movie together, except now we have something more. I carefully put my arm around her bringing her in closer. She snuggles against my chest peacefully. I never want this feeling to end. I just want to sit here and comfort y/n as the train continues to travel forever.

Eventually it's our stop, so I have to wake y/n up. She rubs her eyes, squinting, and seems to be disoriented. I offer my hand to her as she still sits in the chair and I stand in front of her. She smiles and lazily grabs my hand. I hold onto her tight while leading her out of the station. We walk out together still holding hands and reach the quiet neighborhood streets. We walk by homes, some with yellow lights shining out of them or completely black. She holds my hand, swinging it occasionally. We're both silent, only hearing our shoes hit the ground.

I walk her back to her house and we both go up to her front porch. I let go of her hand leaving my hand bare to the cool air, but she grabs it again and pulls me in for a hug.

"I don't want this night to end," she says as she embraces me.

"Don't worry, we'll do it again," I say smiling.


"I promise," I say putting my hands on her shoulders as she looks up at me.

She smiles and then comes towards me to plant her lips onto mine. I blush in response.
She purses her lips while holding her hands behind her back.

"Goodnight," she says as she opens her front door before I can even say anything else.

"G-goodnight," I stutter.

She shuts her door and I find myself still standing on her porch lost in my thoughts. I shake my head and start walking to my house.

"Damn I was about to ask her about the spring dance but I got a bit nervous at the end.... I don't know why, considering we're a thing now," I mutter to myself.

I notice that I was grabbing my chin with my fingers, in thought, and I quickly let go. I smile as I think about how fun the dance would be, especially with y/n. I need to ask her soon because time's running out.

( 1326 words )

Author's Note
Thanks for reading! I hope you're enjoying the story :))
Let me know if there're any errors 💕

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