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Y/n's POV

It's 1 am now and me and the rest of the class  1-A girls just got to Momo's house for a sleepover. It's my first time at her house and my jaw drops by how big it is. I'm not talking just any mansion, this girl owns acres of private land.

"Oh! Do you guys like tea?? I can make tea and get other midnight snacks for you all!" she excitedly says while clasping her hands.

"That'd be great thanks momo!" I say.

We all settle ourselves in her large bedroom that has other rooms attached to it. There're already pillows and blankets nicely placed and folded off to the side ready for us.

"Oh and I have extra pairs of pajama sets for you all to change into," she says running to her closet.

"Dang Momo you really don't have to!" Uraraka says.

"No I insist, I don't want you guys sleeping in your dresses that'd be terrible of me as a host!"

She comes back with 7 sets and hands one to each of us and takes one for herself. We all thank her and change into them. I put my hair up and fold my dress carefully and place it with my heels.

We all set up floor beds on her carpeted floor and immediately drop ourselves onto it. Momo comes back with the tea and snacks and we help ourselves.

We were all exhausted but yet still had energy to stay up and have deep conversations. We were all going around in a circle to talk about anything that's bothering us, basically like a therapy group.

"Guys what do I do about Kaminari?" Jirou asks laying flat on her back.

"What do you mean?" Mina asks leaning on her elbow, "you looked like you were having so much fun at the dance with him! And so did he!"

"I did have a lot of fun actually," Jirou says sounding shocked herself.

"Kaminari is really trying to reach out to you I feel like," Hagakure adds.

"Only as a friend though not that whole relationship thing," Jirou is quick to say.

"Speaking of relationships, how was your night with Izuku??" Uraraka asks me.

The rest of the girls become intrigued as well.
"Ok it was one of the best nights of my life, not just being with Izuku, but seeing everyone having fun and getting along really made me happy," I smile.

They all aw and nod in agreement.
"Yea did you guys see Bakugou? He looked like he was actually having fun," Mina mentions.

"I noticed he was with Kirishima the whole time, he's the only person that Bakugou can really let loose with," Tsuyu says.

"Yea you're right," I say, "the only time I've seen Bakugou not so tense is when he's with Kirishima."

"Only Kirishima can tame the Bakugou," Jirou sighs.

— • —

It's been a week since the dance and another Monday rolls around again.
My birthday is coming up but honestly I forgot about it. So much has been happening with school and other stuff that I didn't realize it was so close. The good side is that it'll be over the break that's coming up.

I walk down to the kitchen to grab breakfast and see my mom already there.

"Hey mom," I greet while looking in the pantry.

"Good morning," she says bringing her tea to the table.

I grab the box of cereal and a bowl from the cupboard. I place the bowl on the table and start pouring the cereal when I spot my mom mysteriously resting her hand over an envelope that's laying flat on the table.
I scan the envelope before looking at her.

"What's that?" I ask pointing at it.

My mom smiles, "I knew you'd notice."
She slides it over letting me see for myself.

I carefully open it and peak inside to pull out what was in it. My eyes widen when I read the two rectangle pieces of paper.
They were two plane tickets to New York City.

"What's this??" I ask my mom in shock.

"I was thinking," she says, "why don't you take Izuku to visit New York with you for the break coming up?"

"Wait...for real!?"

She nods her head and I immediately give her a big hug.

"As an early birthday present," my mom says smiling.

"Thank you so much!!" I say pulling away, "Izuku's been wanting to visit New York, he'll be just as excited!"

"I remember you saying so I figured why not visit your father to catch up with him and bring Izuku along."

I look at the tickets still smiling and my heartbeat racing, "this is amazing thank you!"

I run back up to my bedroom never so excited. I enter my room and grab my phone that's laying on the covers of my unmade bed. I unlock it and go to my contacts to find Izuku.

I put my phone up to my ear, getting butterflies as the ringing goes off waiting for an answer. I hear him pick up at the other end sounding like he just woke up.

"Hey y/n what's up?" Izuku asks with a raspy voice.

"Hey Izuku you don't have any plans for break do you?" I ask.

"Not that I know come?" he asks sounding suspicious.

"Well now you do because you're coming with me to New York!" I smile.

"What?? No way! Y/n that's crazy!" He shouts over the line in excitement.

I laugh by his reaction, "I can't believe it myself, it's my birthday gift from my mom."

"Wow weren't we talking about this too?" he laughs.

"Yea and now it's actually happening," I sigh.

He pauses and I assumed he was thinking about something.
"I can't let your mom buy my plane ticket, I promise I'll pay her back," he says.

"No it's fine Izuku! As part of my present I'm bringing you with me,"

"But a ticket from here to New York is crazy expensive!"

"Really it's ok," I laugh, "you can make it up by buying me boba."

"Boba you say... are you busy right now?" he asks.

"mm nope"

I hear him smirk over the phone, "great I'll take you out now."

"Alright give me ten minutes," I smile.

"See ya in ten then," he says before we both hang up.

( 1097 words)

Author's Note:
Thank you for reading! Sorry this chapter sucksss, but I've decided to add more to the plot after a lot of procrastinating lol
Please feel free to leave any recommendations and feedback too <3

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