hang out

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Y/n's POV

"THEY ARE NOT SAGGING GET OFF MY BACK," I hear Bakugou scream from down the hall.

I can't help but laugh.
"Man Kachan still sounds mad," Izuku nervously says.

"I wonder what they're talking about," I say still laughing.
Izuku begins to smile as I laugh.

"So Deku... what's been happening while I was gone?" I ask after taking in a deep breath.

"Hm... well I was really surprised I got into UA! But before that I was pretty lonely after you left..."

My smile starts to fade, "I'm sorry, I really wish I could've stayed."

"It's not your fault! It was just after you left actually when I decided to keep another hero journal," he says whipping out a paperback notebook.

"No way, can I see that?" I ask grabbing it, "Why is it all burned?"

"Oh um you can probably guess," he says scratching the back of his head.

I shake my head in frustration while flipping through the pages. I could tell he was nervous for my opinion. But honestly I really like the notebook.

"This is really neat! I can tell you put a ton of effort into this."

"Heh..I started to record our classmates quirks not just pro heroes."

"Am I going to be featured in this?" I ask holding the journal to my chest.

"O-of course you are! You were my first entry actually," he says back with a warm smile, "look at the first page"

I quickly turn to the first page that I'd miss, and see a drawing of me, similar to the one from my journal.

I smile, "oh my gosh I love it."

He begins to blush as I hand him back his book. I look at his flustered adorable face as he manages to shove it back in his yellow backpack with his free arm. His hair is crazy as usual but still somehow manages to look amazing.

We finally make it to Izuku's house. It's the same old apartment as I remembered. He unlocks the front door and we both step in.

"Mom?" Izuku asks slipping his shoes off.

"Izuku? How was school?" She calls back from the kitchen.

"Good! I did get a bit hurt though," he says staring at his arm.

"W-what??" I hear his mom cry out as she sprints out of the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh Izuku!! Your arm!!" She says grabbing it.

"M-mom it's fine really..." he says putting his free hand on her shoulder.

Tears start filling her eyes but they begin to actually flow when she spots me behind Izuku.

"Am I dreaming?? Y/n is that you??" She shouts.

"It's me Inko!" I say walking up to her and giving her a big hug.

"Oh my goodness, y/n you're so grown up and beautiful!!" she says patting my cheek.

I smile, "Aw Inko I missed you so much."

"No y/n you don't know how much we've missed you too."

Izuku stands behind us smiling as his mom and I speak to each other.
After our chat, Inko focuses back on Izuku.

"Izuku honey, why don't you change out of that costume? It's all torn."

Izuku looks down past his sling and nods And leads me to his room. As he opens the door I see him flinch.

meet again soon (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now