Someone Like You {12}

Start from the beginning

"Wha-psh! What makes you think of that?" says Holly.

"You're jealous that Hayden's Derek's girlfriend. Admit it." I said.

"Yeah, whatever! Let's go. I'm admitting it later!" she says.

"You already did!" I said, laughing. We both got back right on time and talked to Derek and Hayden.

"Attention all students of West Seaside." starts the principal, Principal Campbell. All eyes turned to the principal and stopped talking.

"Thank you. I gathered you all here to make a special announcement." said the principal. "Today, we have a student who wants to sing for us. Derek Ribbons? Would you like to perform for us?" says Principal Campbell. Everyone looks at Derek as he walks towards the stage.

"He's going to sing?" I said, surprised.

"Alone...he has some guts." says Holly. When Derek got onto the stage, he waved to everyone like there were thousands of his fans, screaming his name.

"Hey West Seaside! Today, I'm going to sing a cover of a song. I dedicate this song to my gf! Enjoy." he said, into the microphone. He picks up his guitar and starts playing and singing.

(You can choose whatever love song you want)

Right after Derek finished the song, everyone started clapping, including me. Oh well, he diserves it. He puts the guitar away and jumps off of the stage. He walks towards Hayden who had tears in her eyes. Derek hugs her and of course, kisses her.

"Thank you, Derek. For that lovely song." says Principal Campbell as the clapping faded, "Now students, this concludes the announcement so please return to your dorm." As Principal Campbell walks down the stage, everyone resumes to their conversation and headed to their dorm.

"Ok, how great am I?" says Derek with his arm around Hayden.

"Very! You're the best boyfriend ever!" says Hayden. They both lean in for a kiss and smiled.

"Ew..." says Holly with a disgusted face. I can tell she's getting uncomfortable with Derek and Hayden's relationship.

"This is so stupid!" I said.

"The kiss?" asks Derek.

"That too...kinda. The whole annoucement thingy is stupid! Holly wakes me up about a 'special annoucement', I got ready, got outside with a stage set up, you sing for us or should I say for Hayden, and now we leave? That's it? I woke up for this? So so so stupid!" I complained.

"And romantic. Dedicating a song for me. How cute is he?" adds Hayden

"Very cute." says Derek, smiling.

"He sang a cover. He dedicated it but he didn't write it." says Holly.

"We should go in, let's go girls." says Derek.

"I know that Hailey. I'm not stupid." says Hayden.

"It's Holly, first of all. And second, are you going to go back to your room and make out with him?" says Holly.

"Maybe, maybe not. None of your business." says Hayden.

"Guys aren't aloud in the girl's dorm."

"So? I've seen a guy going into your room."

"That's because he's....somewhat of a friend."

"Somewhat of a friend?"


"Tell me!"

"None of your business."

"If it's none of my business, then about me and Derek is none of YOUR business!"

"Stop acting like a slut!"

"I'm not. You're the one who's acting like one! I'm being totally nice to you and you're being all mean and ignorent to me!"

"Shut up!"

"GIRLS!!!" shouts Derek. "Let's go in already. And don't fight about these kind of stuff!"

"Ok, Derek. Let's go." says Hayden, grabbing onto Derek's arm. They both left and went inside the building.

"You know what, Hayden? I wanna----"

"That's enough Holly." I said, leading her inside the building and into our dorm.

"I hate her. Hate her hate her hate her! I wanna shove a bowling ball into her mouth and throw her down the bowling aisle to knock down the pins." says Holly, pissed off.

"You're jealous." I said.

"I know..." she said, hopelessly. "Derek won't like me."

"I don't know..what if he does?" I said.

"OMG! Really?" she says, happily.

"I dunno. You have to impress him to make him like you. But you can't steal him away from Hayden. That's not nice." I said, as we walked into our room.

"Fine." she said, sitting down on the bean bag.

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