Someone Like You {5}

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"You know, West Seaside Academy is not that bad, actually. I thought it'll be like hell but I'm wrong. Besides Caleb, it's nice." I said, as I picked up a fry from my plate. It was lunch time and I was sitting at a table with my two new friends, Holly and Lacey.

"Isn't it?" said Lacey.

"Once you're more used to this place, you'll realize this place is so much better than the public schools. More freedom." said Lacey.

"And great food." said Holly, taking a bite out of a cheeseburger. We all giggled and talked some more.

"Hey girls, what's up?" said Caleb, walking towards us.

"What do you want?" I said.

"What? Can't I hang out with the hottest new girl I've ever met?" said Caleb as he sat down across from me. I glanced at Lacey and saw her blushing and looking away from Caleb.

"Go away." says Holly, pushing him off of his seat.

"Why?" whines Caleb.

"'Cause we don't want you here." I said.

"Unless you want to get us some chili fries." said Holly.

"If I buy you guys one..." Caleb turned to me, "will you go out with me?"

"N.O. No." I said.

"You're hot but you can be such a slut sometimes." said Caleb.

"So, are you buying us some chili fries?" said Holly.

"Fine, how many?" said Caleb.

"3." I said.

"Now, shoo." says Holly. Caleb gets up and takes out his wallet.

"Hey, Lacey. I have a question for you." she says.

"What?" asks Lacey.

"You like him, don't you?" says Holly.

"Well, sorta. Yea. Don't tell him ok?" said Lacey.

"Our lips are sealed." I said.

"Here's your fries pigs." said Caleb, coming back with our chili fries. I threw a fry at him and he flinched.

"We're not pigs, we're just hungry." I said to him.

"Whatever." he said, "So what were you guys talking about earlier? Clothes? How cute I am?"

"We were talking about how I'm liking this school, except you." I said.

"Hey, can you at least like me for once?" asks Caleb.

"No and never. How can I like you? You're a jerk, annoying, you talk too much, and you follow me around." I said.

"I can be stupid and wierd but give me a chance. How about this: I'll take you out on a date." he said.

"A what?" I said, choking on my fry. Holly pats me on the back and the fry finally went down my throat.

"A date. You know, dinner together. Me and you. Alone." said Caleb.

"C'mon, give him a chance. You two look cute!" whispers Holly.

"Wait, but the date. We can't leave school. The date's gonna have to be inside of this property." I said.

"I know...woah wait. So, that's a yes?" he said. I nodded and he shouts, "YES!!" Everybody starts staring at Caleb as Holly and I hit him on the shoulder to shut him up.

"Um, pick you up at your room at 7, tonight?" whispers Caleb.

"Sure..." I sighed.

"Great! Wear a dress that'll look hot on you. I'll see ya then!" he says. He walks off smiling like a little boy who won a prize.

"Aww, that's cute." says Holly, smiling. "You sure you want to go on this date with him?"

"I dunno, I guess." I said. I turned to Lacey and said, "I'm sorry."

"That's ok. And besides, you two do look cute together." said Lacey, as she walks off with her lunch tray, smiling.

"See, even Lacey agrees with me!" says Holly.

"We do not!" I said, getting up with my lunch tray and catching up to Lacey.

"Are you sure, Dakota?" mummbles Holly, smiling.

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