14. That Conversation

Start from the beginning

She purses her lips, the corners of her mouth twitching. "You rights. You right, Fairy godfavu. I'm a whole Queen and I declare him single like a dollar bill, okur!", she agreed waving her hands around exaggeratedly.

"Nay, I think the fuck not!", Lucky exclaimed wrapping his arm around her waist nearly pulling her onto his lap.

"Peasant unhand the Queen", LaLa exclaimed wiggling in his hold while the rest of laughed at them.

"Naomi, why you so quiet, girl?", Amanda asked after a moment.

"Food", I muttered behind my hand while chewing a bit of pineapple.

"Put it down and talk. How come we haven't seen you in a while?", she said.

I shrugged swallowing. "I've been busy. School, Neil, my babies, and i'm pregnant", I retorted.

Amanda choked seemingly on air. "Pregnant!? You're pregnant? Bu-But when? How?", she exclaimed stupefied.

Neil chuckled, "I got the magic stick. Shorty, if I can hit once. I can hit twice. I got the magic stick", he sung terribly causing everyone to laugh except a still in shock Amanda.

"Manda, when two people love each other-", I began causing everyone to laugh more, even Amanda now laughed.

"Girl, I know how babies are made. You know what I meant. Don't try to play me, Naomi", she laughed.

I smiled popping a grape in my mouth. "The timing was right. It is what God allowed, therefore it is", I stated happily.

I often forgot that I was even pregnant to begin with, but I was also very happy to be carrying Neil's and I first child together. By no means is this our first child, but by blood relation it is. I just hope that I am only carrying one child.

"That and daddy got that winning sperm", Neil added smirking.

I slapped his thigh giving him a look of disapproval of which he just shrugged and kissed my lips.

"How do you deal with him?", Amanda asked teasingly.

I sighed wistfully, "It's a gift and a curse", I said dully playing along.

We snickered at the look on Nathaniel's face.

"Oh. I see how it is now. Okay, Naomi", he muttered pouting.

I smiled, "I thought I was 'baby, babe, bae, wife, love, or Omi'? What happened, babe?", I teased.

He tsked, "You was up until I became a curse to deal with. That hurt my feelings", he responded.

I eyed him trying to see if he had been joking. He was not and I stared at him disbelievingly.

"Neil, you know that I was joking. I love you. I married you and I do not think of you as anything less than overbearingly loving, possessive, crazy, intelligent, talented, and handsome", I paused leaning in bringing my lips to his ear. "And your sex game is phenomenal. The things you do, no one has or will ever for me, babbo", I whispered sweetly into his ear.

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