Chapter 30 - Party's Over

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Jungkook." I replied as a plan had came to my mind. Only his small smile could be seen before he turned his gaze in front of him. I think that's the first time since this whole thing that I've thanked him.

"He still looks like a little bunny. Cute." I figured, mentally smiling. I then gently removed his hand from my back despite his pouty look.

I'm still mad at him. He's not going to alter my feelings with his bunny looks and sweet gestures, not that easily.

I looked around at him and at my friends, we're all tired, hunger and scared. We can't keep this up. And I'll be damned, if I let anyone else get hurt because of me.

So if that bastard wants me, he can come get me. But first I have to put my plan into place.

"I've got to get you all out of here!" I concluded, with determination.

Rosé P.O.V

"Yes... She'll die" Yoongi explained.

"Lisa.." I whimpered, feeling the tears beginning to weld up.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner? We could've done something for her." I asked him, as I squatted on the ground, and placed my head in my hands.

"Rosé..." He sighed.

"You see the situation were in, I can't tell the others. We have no idea who the killer's partner is, if he even has one, or if he's somehow still listening in on our conversations. I had to be cautious. For the sake of Lisa's life." He explained, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"So we can't let anyone know that she's alive?" I breathed softly wiping away the tear stains from my face.

"I'm afraid not. It would be too dangerous. The others would want to seek her and that would give the killer a hint. She's safer where she is." He explained.

I thought about it for a moment. This guy who I've only known for a few days being here. Could I truly trust him? What if he is the partner?

But if he is then why would he tell me this. As much as I'd want to find out, I'll have to trust his words. If it means saving Lisa, then I have too.

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for helping her and telling me this." I thanked him. Jae really has good friends.

"Don't thank me just yet. We still have your other friends to save." He ended, holding his hand out to help my up. I accepted his offer and smiled.

"He's such a good guy. How could that fucker do him harm." I sympathised.

"I'm sorry that the things in the past happened to you. You didn't deserve that." I blurted out accidentally.

He looked me in the eyes. I honestly thought I fucked up, but I thought wrong.

"It's fine, no one deserved it. I'm just glad I prevented it from happening to someone else." He replied, flashing me a gummy smile.

"Reminds me of Jae" I thought, returning a smile as well.

"We should catch up with the group. Before Jae realized your gone." He smirked.

"Oh, right. Why the smirk though? He's a easily jealous person?" I asked, as we stepped out the door.

"Let's just say he doesn't like others playing with what is his." He chuckled, as he closed the door and we both caught up to the group.

All the while my mind only thinking of Lisa, and how we'd get her out of here.


Author P.O.V

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