Chapter 24 - Hide & Seek

Start from the beginning

"Today would be great." The killer hurried in a bored emotionless tone.

"Why don't you just shut the fuc-" Jimin tried but pursed his lips as he heard Jisoo's silent cries from the background of the TV and didn't want her to get hurt any further.

"What was that Jimin?" The killer teased.

"Our caregiver was a kind man, he took great care of us even had a child of his own that we would play with from time to time, he was what you would expect of any caregiver... Until one day he." Yoongi, gulped he knew he was getting closer to his confession.

The room started to feel very dense, it wasn't the fact that they were all kind of damp, it wasn't the fact they were all locked in a building not being exposed to light or even the fact that smell rotten meat was rising throughout the school. But it was the mere fact that people were starting to connect the dots of what Yoongi could be talking about.

"Hyung, what did he do to you?" Jungkook asked as he slowly started to approach Yoongi whilst everyone followed, everyone except Tae who went to the back of the classroom as his head began to feel light causing him to stumble on the back wall without anyone else but the killer noticing.

"He couldn't have been... No a child that young couldn't... That sick man... Wait what did he say about E'dwan? Slowly bleeding? He might be alive!" Hyuna thought to herself not taking another step and pausing next to the door of the classroom.

"Yoongi please don't tell me it's what I think it is...Yoongi please." Keke pleaded feeling both empathetic and enraged.

Yoongi looked at those before him. The ones he has protected and the ones that he is protecting.

"Look at the emotional turmoil you brought upon these people. I protected them for so many years and you came back. Why didn't you just die? Why couldn't you have just fucking disappeared!" Yoongi asked himself hating the man with every fiber in his body.

"He raped me." Yoongi confessed.

Jin eyes shot open it was already around 9am he had gotten no less than three and half hours of sleep. As his consciousness started to recollect the event of earlier. He flipped in his and grabbed his phone quickly turning it on. Cold bumps start to rise all over his body.

"Something is wrong" his consciousness said to him.

"Namjooooon get up!" Jin screamed jumping off the bed and running out in the halls.

"Baby what- what's wrong?" Namjoon asked immediately sitting up straight in bed and holding up his fist.

"We gotta go now. They're in trouble. Get up now. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go." Jin screamed running back and forth in the halls.

Namjoon rolled his eyes at his overreacting boyfriend and layed back down in bed planning to take another 30 minute nap before trying to calm him down.

Not even a good minute after a loud crashing sound made contact with the wall above his head as things began to fall on him. He opened his eyes to see it was pieces of glass from a plate. Another plate was thrown next to his head as he sat up in bed causing him to flinch.

"What the fuck are you doing Jin!" He asked Jin who stood at the door with about 8 glass plates in his arms looking quite furious.

"I'm telling you to get the FUCK UP and GET IN THE CAR. The guys are in trouble don't ask me how I know BECAUSE I CAN FEEL IT! Now get up and come." Jin said seriously whist raising his eyebrows and standing there waiting for Namjoon to move.

"Babe you just threw a plate at m-" Namjoon tried but stopped once Jin took up another plate.

"Alright I'm coming. I'm coming." Namjoon said holding his arms up and getting out of bed.

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