Chapter 23 - Past

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"Okay..." Jungkook said feeling defeated. Jimin then unconsciously caressed the back of his hand to try and comfort him like he used to do.

"Next question." Yoongi commanded.

"Eager are we?" The killer smirked as Yoongi didn't answer.

"Very well then. Next question. Do you attend this school?" The killer asked.

"No." Yoongi replied immediately.

"Why?" Killer asked just as fast.

"I..." Yoongi paused.

"Yes?" The killer mocked.

"I...was admitted to the mental institution when I was younger." Yoongi answered.

"Why were you in the mental institution?" The killer asked.

"This has nothing to do with you. Please release the girls and stop this. You've done enough. Have a heart." Ms. Kim yelled.

"Hyuna Kim, I'd be very quiet if I were you. Seeing as the man currently slowly bleeding to death in halls can die a lot sooner, if you're not careful. Or someone can die right now if I'm interrupted again." The killer threatened his voice echoing in the room and sending shivers down everyone's spine.

"E'dwan..." Hyuna mumbled to herself.

"I have depression and had...attempted to commit suicide." Yoongi said immediately trying to keep the killer's attention on him.

Everyone looked towards Yoongi. All speechless at his confession. None of them not even the ones closest to him knew about this.

"Really? Why would you do such a thing?" The killer said sarcastically being unfazed by the confession.

"Because I... My passed." Yoongi stutter knowing it was getting closer and closer to his secret.

"Oh I see. Why don't you explain for all of us just what happened in your past to make you want to end your life?" The killer instructed.

"That wasn't a question." Yoongi replied.

"Oh... Okay then." The killer days before getting up and drawing out his knife and turning towards Jisoo and stabbing her in the palm of her hand pinning it to the chair she was tied too.

"Jisoo!!!" Everyone screamed.

"No stop it. You fucki-" Jennie tried before being elbowed in the face knocking her out and tipping her chair over on the floor. Before going back to remove his knife from Jisoo's palm and walking on the other side to stab the other.

Jisoo's muffled cries and screams echoed through the room and the TV from the aggravating pain coming from her injured hand and the pain to come from the next one.

The killer raised his knife over his head aiming directly for Jisoo's other palm.

The pleading from the others could be heard as they all walked up towards the TV except Ms. Kim who was still in shock at the news of Mr. Kim.

"No stop! I'll talk!" Yoongi screamed to TV. Causing the killer to halt his actions.

He lowered his arms and put his knife away before walking back up to the camera.

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