Chapter Twenty Three: The Lab

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Song: Anthem of the Lonely by Nine Lashes



One of the men behind gripped the back of my neck and slammed my body into the bars of the cage that held the beast. I winced in pain when he pried my body from off of the bars, and the wolf growled viciously, lunging at the bars that hold him captive.

He was foaming at the mouth and his sharp black teeth was on display for all to see.

 The men holding me seemed to be delighted by this.

So they threw me to the ground and towered over me, and started to beat me. I yelped when one of their boots was buried into my side. My body was hurled into the metal bars of the cage and I could feel my face twist into an expression of pain.

The wolf went ballistic inside of the cage.

He slammed himself continuously into the bars, and I could feel the ground shaking because of his fury.

Before the men could land another blow to me, I faced the wolf and looked right into his eyes.

"Donovan." I whisper.

His eyes seem to widen yet he still continues to snarl. He's bleeding now, and I know he's injured himself from trying to break out of his cage.

He blinks at me and his nose twitches.

Then I am struck again.

And once again, Donovan goes insane. One of the men reaches down to pick me up and has failed to realize that my wolf, in an instant, stuck his snout through the bars and locked his jaws around the man's hand.

The man cursed as he tried to yank his hands free. The other men around him tried to hit the wolf in order to free their friend's hand, but Donovan was having none of it. He tugged and growled ferociously, like you would see a wild wolf ripping the flesh from an elk's bones.

Only when one of the men stabbed the scruff of his neck with a silver dagger did the wold let go of his prize.

The damage was great, however, and the man's hand looked like a mangled piece of bloody, dangling meat. He was cursing and he looked like he was in a lot of pain.

He was going to have a horribly scarred, defective hand for the rest of his life. I'm sure the bite has damaged some his nerves.

Serves him right.

"Stupid bitch!" He curses when he sees me staring at him. He kicks me in the head and I collide against the bars of the cage once more. I feel like a small, cowering animal in a room filled with predators who wish to end me on the spot.

"What the hell is going on in here?" A feminine voice asks, interrupting the fading chaos. Her dark brown hair is tied up into a bun and she wears a lab coat. She looks maybe in her late twenties and her golden eyes glance downwards at me for a moment before flickering back up to the men.

She holds their gaze and doesn't seem to mind the injured hand that belongs to such a foolish man.

"We've brought you what you've asked for." One of the men speaks up as his hand grips my bicep and yanks me to my knees.

"I've asked you to bring her to me directly, not taunt her and my subjects." The woman says, her voice sharp and assertive.

"We thought we'd-"

"You thought you'd what? Stress out my subjects more than necessary and disrupt the order of how I like things?" She interrupts him.

"Well, not exactly. We'd thought we would help you out by testing this mutt's reaction to's ma-"

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