Important Announcement

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Okay, well some time ago some people (who will remain nameless) asked me why I chose Mei. Well I was reading a story on episodes ( y'all know I love me some episodes) and this girl was named Mei, I loved her name and decided to use her name when deciding to add Mei to the story even before finding a person to play her. Anyways they wanted to know if she was Korean or what and why she had a Chinese ( I think that's the origin) name. Well at first I didn't know, I just liked the name, but I decided that she is half Korean( that's why she understands Axel) and half Chinese (hense the name).

Also why Axel's last name is Parks instead of Park, well it's because I'm STOOPID. I was looking up Korean last names and I saw Park. I liked it and decided to go with it but when I started writing my stupid ass put Parks instead of Park. When I saw it was the wrong Surname I was almost finished with the story and honestly I wasn't about to go back and rewrite it and lose my comments. So his last name is Parks and we just gone say his dad changed it to that. Okay, okay, alright.

I meant to been tell y'all but I'm dumb/lazy. I'll update soon, if not today then before Tuesday.

Kay Kay, Byeeeeee! 💋

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