Chapter 4: Axel

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I walked outside the school through the front parking lot; because I was about to go somewhere, I wasn't sure where, but I was leaving.

"Axel. Wait. I said wait up." I didn't have to turn around to know who's voice it belonged to.

"I thought you told me to go fuck myself."

"Shut up and tell me where you doing."

"I don't know, maybe to the cafe around the corner."

"Or we can go to my car."

"Okay." She could of told me, she wanted to go sit at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and I would of went. We got in the car and she open the glove compartment and pulled out a perfect rolled blunt.

"Oh you want to get litty. Get it, litty?"

"That was so stupid, it wasn't even funny." She lit up, puffing a few times before passing to me. We sat in silence with the music playing in the background.

"Do you think the ocean is salty because the land never waves back." I asked.

"Snooki on Jersey Shore said it was because of the whale sperm."

"Eww...w...why would you say that. From now on I will go to the beach and accidentally swallow beach water and think of today...whale sperm."

"Let's just hope you don't get pregnant and have a bunch of whale, human babies."

"You're so weird."

"But you love it."

"I can't deny it, I do." We both sat again in silence passing the joint back and forth until Jaelyn spoke up.

"Why are you so mean?"

"I'm not mean, I'm re..."

"Real. I know. You just seems so closed off. Why?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Sometimes it helps to get it off your chest, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, just know I'm here."

"I'm really high right now other wise I would not be telling you anything. My dad was my best friend. He was killed by a close family friend. Somebody I would consider my uncle." I could tell this was hard for her to open up to anybody.

"I'm sorry."

"I wanted some shoes or something, I really don't remember and they were sold out. My dad tried so hard to find them for me and when his 'friend' said he had the hook up, my dad jumped at it. Turned out he lied and tried to rob my dad but my dad wasn't having it. Dad was handled the guy and his friend lost the fight. Anyways the guy didn't want to take the L and grabbed a gun and shot my dad eleven times. It broke my heart. My moms heart. My mom and I grew apart after that. After that I learned you can't trust people even your own people. It made me closed off and I grasp onto the few people I did mess with and promised myself I wouldn't open up to nobody else."

"Damn Jae, I'm sorr.."

"Don't even. I'm over it. I'm not even sad over the shit anymore." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. She wasn't over it. She tried to be so hard to protect herself.

"Jae?" I touched her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm telling you all my business, I'm just high as hell."

"It's okay, now we're best friends."

"The devil is a lie."

"Whatever, you know you like me. We're friends now."

"No. I still don't like you. It just now I can tolerate you a little more than before."

"You'll see I'll have you begging to be mine soon enough." I winked.

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