Chapter 35: Axel

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"당장 차 밖으로!(Get out the car NOW!)"  My dad was outside Jae's car. My mom was behind him. They caught us kissing and me outside the house late at night. I did not want them to find out like this.

"Stay here." I told her before I got out the car.

"What the hell do you think you're doing out here at two in the morning with the likes of her. I thought we raised you better than that." My dad screamed as I got out the car.

"What does that mean? What does you raising me a certain way and her have to do with each other?"

"Obviously she is a bad influence on you. You did not act this way until you started being 'involved with her' and I will not allow her to halt your dreams to do better. Girls like her don't achieve much in life and drag down people around with them." Have you ever want to swing off at somebody jaw because they piss you off by talking crap. That me, I swear if I didn't come from his balls I would of smacked his shit.

"You don't even know her and yet you're judging her."

"Because I know girls like her." My dad must have been mad because he was talking in English, which he rarely did outside work.

"Why is it because I'm black?" Of course she wouldn't listen to me and stay in the car.

"Jaelyn, get back to the car."

"No, I got something to say. What have I done to you for you to disrespect me. I have done absolutely nothing at all and you keep comparing me to a group of people that evidently did you wrong. Did this certain group of people have dark skin? Huh? What is this really about?"

"It's because you corrupt my child and I will not stand for it."

"Then sit down." Jaelyn said. I wanted to laugh so bad. My dad was so red, he had a vein visible in his neck and forehead.

"Everyone calm down. The neighbors are looking." My mom whispered yelled.

"Fuck your neighbors." Jae said while, My mom gasped.

"See no respect. Axel get inside the house NOW and you will never talk to her again as long as you live under my roof then when you go off to school." My dad yelled then turned around going inside the house and my mom close behind. I was going to follow, but I figured this was as good of time as any to tell them I wasn't going to school.

"Actually, I'm not going to Harvard." I said quickly but I knew they heard me. My dad turned around.

"Don't be stupid and come inside the house. You're going and that's final." My dad roared.

"I thought this was your dream Axel. You want to give it up for a girl?" My mother asked.

"...I'm not going and this has nothing to do with anyone, going to Harvard is yours and dad's dream. I never even wanted to go. Growing up kids around the neighborhood would be playing outside and I would be inside studying everyday. I never even had friends, only my books. I was that kids that would have lunch in the library with a book, so I didn't look stupid in the lunchroom by myself." Nobody said anything.

"I hated it. I hated myself. I never had a say in anything in my life. I was always controlled by you and dad. Now I'm talking control and I'm doing what I want. Even if I end up messing everything up, at least I did it on my own. I would rather fail by myself than be controlled by you guys and make it and oh yeah, Jaelyn's my girlfriend and have been since the beginning of the school year." I felt both relieved and shock that I finally told my parents about everything. Like a load has been lifted off my shoulders.

"I didn't know you felt that way." My mom walked over and held my cheek.

"Because you never listened to me."

"I'm so s..."

"Mi-sook. Come now." My mom left my embrace and walked over to my father.

"He thinks he has everything together and don't want to listen to us then I see no place for him here in my house."

"No. You will not put my son out." My mom yelled out. She usually didn't stand up against my dad. She always agreed with him.

"No, I will not have the disrespect. So he can go live somewhere else. Rather it's within some shelter or on the street, I don't care." He walked inside the house and didn't look back.

"Yeong-cheol...Axel..." My mother tried to plead with us.

"It's okay, saranghae (I love you)." I walked past my mother and went inside the house and up to my room packing whatever I could fit in to a duffle bag. After I finish I went downstairs, my parents were both standing by the door. My mother looked sad while my dad, he looked at me with disgust.

Before I left he grabbed my arm and whispered, "When she gets knocked up and takes you for everything you have or you fail at this little dream. Don't look over here, because you're not my son." I snatched my arm away and swung my duffle over my shoulder and walked out, not before placing a kiss on my sobbing mother's cheek.

I have never fought with my parents this badly or when stood up for myself like I did tonight. Now I see my dad who he really is.

Jaelyn was still standing where I last seen her, I walked by and grabbed her hand. We got in the car and she started driving off.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, let's just go." We both were in the car going to Jaelyn's place. Nobody had said nothing after what happened at my house.

"I know all that just went down but I'm kinda hungry." She broke the silence.

"You just ate Jae."

"So what, I'm hangry and that's hungry and mad, not mad because I'm hungry."

"You always eating."

"You always eating too." She stuck out her tongue and started talking in her seat. I shook my head.

"You know it's 1:55 right?"

"Oh shit. Let's just pray I don't get pulled over." She said before she sped all the way to her place. Ole Speed demon!
A/N: After the first sentence Axel and his parents are speaking English because I'm too lazy to translate. 😌  Where is Axel's going to stay now that his dad kicked him out? In Jaelyn's closet? Hope y'all enjoyed and thanks for reading!!!! 💋💋💋

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