Chapter 9: Jaelyn

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I was nervous as hell, I was going to tell Axel how I felt. Erin and I had a long talk about it and I realized I was ready to finally give him a chance. Now I just had to wait til the right time and do it the right way, but now I was going to bed.

I woke the next day and got ready to go to school. I just hoped I didn't regret this. Only one way to find out is taking chances.

Jaelyn's Outfit

Today was going so slow

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Today was going so slow. Finally fourth period was over and I met up with Axel before he was about to leave.

"Can I talk to you after school?"

"I can't today. I have to go home after school. My parents want me to come home. Apparently they have a surprise waiting for me."


"Is it important? I can see if I can cancel or something."

"No. It can wait."

"You sure."


"Well, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow." He kissed me on the forehead and walked away. Guess I have to wait until tomorrow.

"Did you ask him?" Erin walked up to me.

"No. He had to go home after school."

"Damn, well Nate is busy. You want to go shopping."

"You know I can't say no to new digs."

"Let's go then." Erin and I drove to the mall after school and shopped til we were both bout broke. We were at the food court debating what to eat.

We sat down and finished our food and sat for awhile talking before we were going to leave. Our bags were already in my car so we didn't have to worry about tugging bags around the mall.

"What you looking at Erin?"

"Nothing, I'm just looking around." She was looking at something behind me.

"You sure?"


"Anyways, I going to tell Axel tomorrow since we couldn't meet up today...Are you listening?"

"Yeah, I hear you." She kept glancing behind me.

"What are you looking at?"

"Jaelyn wait." I looked behind me and it made my heart sink. Axel was sitting with some girl.

He didn't want to hang out because he was hanging out with someone girl who wasn't me

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He didn't want to hang out because he was hanging out with someone girl who wasn't me. I was pissed. He should have told me the truth, but instead he decided to lie to my face.

I got up and was about to walk over towards the table and confront him. I refused to be played with. He telling me one thing and doing something else was not about to fly and it wasn't some he say she say. I see him with my own eyes. I should have known all along. Was I not good enough or did I wait to long to give the goods up. I'm so glad I didn't give him any.

"Jaelyn wait. You don't know what's going on."

"Erin move out the way or I'm beating your ass. Friend or not. I'm going over there." I was taking of my earrings.

"Fine, but I'm going over there too."

"Come on then." As I was making way to the other side of the food court. I was getting more and more mad.

"Ah who dis (Who is This)?" I asked when I got to the table.

"Jaelyn? What are you doing here?"

"Meh ask ya one question (I asked you a question)."

"Jae, this is Mei. Mei, this is Jae."

"So yuh lef me fi hang wid dis bitch (So you ditched me to hang with this bitch)?"

"Watch your mouth."

"Or fucking wha (Or fucking what)?"

"Let me speak to you in private." He stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me outside through the mall doors.

"Let mi go (Let me go)." I yanked my hand away from him.

"What is your problem? You had no right calling her a bitch and you don't even know her? You go back in there and apologize." He stood close to me to keep what we were discussing just to us two.

"Na tell mi wha fi do Axel. You not mi fucking daddy (Don't tell me what to do Axel. You not my fucking daddy)."

"And if I was, what you pulled back there would of earned you a smack to the ass til you were begging for mercy." Why did that make me wet. I'm supposed to be mad, not turned on.

"Fuck you Axel." I pushed him off me.

"What did I say about keeping your hands to yourself?" Why did I instantly regret pushing him. I was both scared and intrigued about what he would do.

"Is everything alright over there?" A random bystander said.

"Yeah, we're fine." Axel spoke up.

"How about you young lady?"

"How about you mind your fucking business."

"Jaelyn? I'm sorry sir. She's pregnant and hormonal."

"Oh, I remember those days. Good luck young man." The guy walked in and Axel turn back to me.

"Go fucking home and wait til I come over and pick you up and we can talk."

"Who the hell you talking to. Not I, maybe I'll go back in there and find some guy to sit in the food court with then let him take me back to his place and..."

"Finish that sentence, I dare you."

"...fu...put me down." He threw me over his shoulder and walked me to my car and settle me down and didn't let go til I was stable.

"I'll go get Erin and send her out here to you." He said and turned away about to walk back inside.

"Have fun with your bitch." He stopped walking then started walking back inside. He got on my nerves. Who did he think he was telling me to go home and wait on him like I had a ring on.

"What happened?" Erin said walking up to me.

"It a long story. I'll tell you on the way to your house." I was going to leave but I wasn't going home and waiting on him. He can miss me with the bull.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!!!! 💋💋💋

Who do you think Mei is Friend or Foe?

Special thanks to my sister NickiGenesis for helping me with this chapter.

Thanks to erinkerrangel for translation. Again it may be wrong because my phone kept autocorrecting everything, Anyways 😘!!

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