Chapter 26: Jaelyn

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When I left Axel's I went home to talk to ma about last night. I may have overreacted the situation but that's just how I feel. I was still dressed in last night clothes, so the first thing I wanted to do is shower and change.

When I got out the car and upstairs to the front door I took a deep breath because I knew she would still be fired up from last night. I got out my keys to unlock the door.

"Why the hell is my key not working?" I shook it, jimmyed my key around and it still would not unlock.

"Get the hell off my door. What you want?" Ma swung the door open.

"My key don't work. I'm just trying to get inside."

"I changed the locks."

"What? Why you do that for?" I guess she wasn't playing when she said she would make sure I wouldn't be able to come in.

"You thought I was playing. I asked you one thing; to behave and what do you do? The complete opposite. I have never been so embarrassed and humiliated in my life."

"I was feeling some type of way last night when you told me about Todd..."


"Yeah, him. I feel like...can I come in first? I feel like people can hear all our business." She stood aside and let me inside the door.

"Well now that you got your lil' boyfriend..." I said once we sat on the couch.

"Jaelyn. Me and Todd...Terry. Dammit Jaelyn... I mean me and Terry are grown, he's not my lil boyfriend."

"You trying to marry him or something?"

"No, I don't think I'm that ready to move on. We're taking it slow."

"So you were trying to move on?"

"Yes Jaelyn, he's a good guy and he treats me right. He didn't push me when we first started dating. He waited til I was ready."


"What's so bad about him. I know this is the first time you both have met and you already have this dislike toward him. Why?"

"I, he...I just...I feel like if I accept him. I'm forgetting my dad."

"Jaelyn. You won't forget your dad, because you are him. Mostly me, but you remind me of him everyday. The certain faces you make or how you can eat everything in this house and still be hungry. I swear that man could eat."

"Are we talking bout the same thing here? I'm starting to feel really uncomfortable."

"I talking bout food you nasty."

"Mhmm...okay, anyways. If he makes you happy, then I'm okay with it....So can I have a key?"


"What. Why?"

"Because you want to act like a child, then you going to be treated like one. Doors like lock at 8 and own back up at 8, so if you not in the house you better stay where you at."

"What about after school? Where I'm going to go?"

"I can come home and let you in during my break or you can come down to the shop and wait there til I'm done."

"I guess."

"You guess? That's what will happen."

"Okay, well I'm about to change then I'm leaving out again."

"Where do you think you going?"

"I'm going to the court. I'll be back by 8."

"You funny. You not going nowhere, you though you was going to get away with being disrespectful. Nope, school and back home is the only places you allowed."

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