Chapter 49: Axel

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We sat at a diner at 10 am. Looking around the building, everybody trying to avoid each other's gaze. Awkward and hungover is how I described this group. Nobody said anything except when the waitress took our order.

"So last night?" Mei said trying to dissipate the quiet atmosphere, but in return she only got a mixture of yep and mhmms.

"How's your food?" I said to Jaelyn who was eating her cheesy grits.

"Oh, uhmm... delicious, definitely worth a threesome. I mean a come back..." She said looking at Erin, Nate and Shaun.

"Jaelyn." Erin said putting her fork down and rolling her eyes at Jae.

"I mean, nobody else was saying anything, so Imma say it. That bubbly sangria had everybody messed up and some of us did things that sober them wouldn't do and it's okay." Jaelyn shrugged trying to break the ice.

"So did everybody have a good time last night?" I asked and the table was dead slient. Crickets.

"This is not working for me. I bout to do something about this. I'm going to the bathroom. Erin, Mei...and Yazira because I still don't trust you around my man, even if you went lesbian." Jae whispered the first part to me.

"I'm not a lesbian, I'm bisexual." Yazira said getting up.

"I don't care if you was asexual. I still gots my eyes on you." Jae used two fingers to point to her eyes then back to Yazira.

"Ughhh...whatever." The girls got up from the table leaving Shaun, Nate and I alone.

"Soooo....what's up with the everybody?"

"Shit. Wassup with you? You been all reclusive in your room all week." Nate responded back.

"Family drama. I found out my parents or parent, I don't even know anymore has been lying to me my whole life." I still needed to get to the bottom of everything with my mom and the guy I called my father my whole life.

"Dang, if you really think about it. All our parents have been lying to us." Shaun said and I was confused.


"Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, come here I'm not going to hit you, this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you." Shaun looked off in the distance like he was remembering something.

"That's nothing on what my parents did." I mumbled under my breath.

"Yo what's talking them so long." Nate was twisting his hair.

"We here with yo impatient ass." Jae said from behind me.

"Shaun, Nate we need to talk." Erin said when she sat down.

"About what happened?" Nate asked.

"Yes, we had a threesome..."

"Ohhhh, do tell. Do tell." Mei said and I wasn't even surprised anymore about what Mei said.

"Like I was saying yes we had a threesome, but I stand by what I said earlier. I'm young, single and I was just having fun. It happened and now I think we should move on from it."

"I can respect that." Shaun nodded.

"Nate?" Erin looked at Nate.

"Even though it's not anything I wanted to hear. I have to understand my action would have consequences, so okay."

"Good. Now we can finally stop all this...whatever this is." Jae said and we all agreed.

The rest of the time was better after the air was cleared. I had to take Jaelyn home after breakfast because she said he mom was blowing up her phone.

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