Chapter 52: Jaelyn

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All night I haven't been able to sleep because of this pregnancy and the fact that I haven't told Axel yet. I've tried to hold it in until I had everything sorted out, but it's like my conscience being a little bish, not letting me sleep.

It's currently 6 o'clock in the morning and I've had enough of this hoe in my head making me feel bad about my decision. I usually can ignore her, but this time she was being extra loud.

I finally gave in, got up and got ready. I was finally going tell Axel about this baby and so this hoe would leave me alone. I wasn't about to do my hair so I just threw on a hat, a dress and my Converses.

Jaelyn's Outfit

I was so nervous, not about his reaction but saying it out loud would make it real

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I was so nervous, not about his reaction but saying it out loud would make it real. Actually this baby makes it real but still saying it means I've come to terms with it and I wasn't completely ready now or later for a baby. This is what happens when you are reckless and having sex without thinking of consequences or protection.

Hiding my pregnancy from my mother has been nerve wreaking because I think she might know. She said she had a dream about her having a fish fry and everybody knows when you dream of fish, somebody pregnant.

I haven't had much sickness, most of my weight has gone to my booty which I am thankful for, because I ain't have one before. Like the booty fairy skipped over me. I wasn't pancaked but it just wasn't there. I slept all the time, but to be honest I slept all the time when I wasn't pregnant so that's not much of a symptom. My eating has gone up, like I thought I was greedy before but now I can't go five minutes without looking in the fridge. My emotions have been okayish. I haven't cried but I feel myself about to cry sometimes, but ma ain't raise no bish. So no tears here homie.

I pulled up in front of Axel and Mei's place and got anxious I wanted to leave and drown my conscience in some loaded fries but decided to go ahead and do what I planned to do because it was better if I got this done and over with now, plus I was outside anyways.

I got out the car, took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Knock. Knock.

"Hey Axe." I said when he opened the door. He looked like he was sleep and I woke him up. Even with bed hair, he looked delicious.

"Hey Jae. What are you doing here?" He ran his fingers through his hair and I swear I bout forgot what I was about to say.

"You want me to leave or something?"

"No, I was just asking. You're usually still sleep during this time." True, but my conscience didn't want me to sleep.

"I know. I haven't been able to sleep. I got something on my mind, a secret and I should tell you. Can I come in?" This is the moment of Truth.

"Uh...yeah, com..." He seemed bout nervous as me. He let me in and I walked in and the same time the door opened to his bedroom.

"Thanks Axel for letting me stay, your bed was surprising comfy to be on the floor." Do my eyes betray me or am I seeing Mortician in front of me saying Axel bed was surprisingly comfy to be on the floor.

No Filter (Book 1 & Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora