Chapter 46: Axel

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"What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked Jaelyn while she scratched my back, laying on my mattress.

"Spending time with ma. I figured we would go to the movies and watch that new Gabrielle Union movie then have lunch. Then take her shopping."

"Awwww... daughter of the year here."

"Shut up, it's her birthday."

"Damn." Mom's birthday should be coming soon too, I had to do something special for her, but for now we need to get on good terms first.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I might call my mother, because I haven't spoken to her since you know. That day. She was upset and I'll call her to see if she's alright." It broke my heart seeing her cry, but after my dad said what her did. I don't see how we could just go back to a family after that. I hoped we could but it won't be the same.

"You said it was daughter of the year. Look at you being son of the year."

"You excited for work Monday?" I was excited as heck. I was finally doing what I always wanted to do and I owe it all to my baby Jae.

"Yeah, I'm doing my dream job, but forreal Jae. I owe you big time for helping me get there. You a real ride."

"You know I ride for you or with you any day of the week. Except Sunday. That's God's day and we rest, but any other day I got you boo."

"I love you Jae."

"I love you too Axe."

"And if you keep scratching my back like that, I might have to give you a baby." The real AJ was coming alive.

"And that's where you messed up a good thing." She stopped scratching my back and got off the mattress.

"Where you going?"

"Home." She was putting on her shoes.


"This is your fault."

"I was playing."

"Well congratulations, you just played yourself." She was fully dressed and was about to leave.

"You don't have to go."

"Yes I do. You tried to trap me once. You might try to do it again. Look I love you, I really do, but not that much to get caught up. I still got a life to live. I got places to travel, a career to do, and an aisle to walk. You trying to make me skip all that."

"But Jaelyn, you can still do that with a baby or a belly." I was trying to make light of the situation.

"Bye Axel." She left out the bedroom door and closed it behind her.

"Jae?" I laughed then realized something.

"Damn. I guess I won't be getting that bj after all."

The Next Day

The Next Day

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