Chapter 22: Axel

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It's been a couple days since I spoke to anybody. My parents were mad. Mei and I made up some excuse about why my lip was cut. We said we were horse playing around and I got accidentally bit my lip. Of course that was a lie but it was better than telling then I got into a fight.

It was Monday morning and I was finally not grounded anymore and I spent most of the time studying because finals were approaching. It was December and too cold around here to do outside chores.

Axel's Outfit

I had just walked in from the cold, walking down the hall with my bookbag over my shoulder, not paying attention to my surroundings

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I had just walked in from the cold, walking down the hall with my bookbag over my shoulder, not paying attention to my surroundings. I was just trying to get through the day.

"Damn, dat ass fat." I felt a hand pinch my ass. I turned around and it was just Jaelyn.

"Stop the bull Jaelyn."

"You know you liked it. Especially from me, beside I ain't seen you in forever."

"Why you missed me?" I put my arm over her shoulder and pulled her close.


"I did not think you would say that. That's probably where all this cold air came from." She light pushed my chest.

"Shut up. I'm nice..." I raised an eyebrow. "When I want to be. You still grounded?"

"No, it was just for the weekend. Me and Mei got cursed out. So she's pissed at me. I'm one hundred percent sure that she's plotting her revenge on me for getting her in trouble."

"I should help her."

"But why tho?" I took my arm from over her shoulder.

"Why not?"

"Anyways. What you been up to this weekend?"

"I went to the mall with Erin and we saw Yazira, but that's bout it." I stopped in the middle of the hall and Jaelyn kept walking. She said it so nonchalantly, like this was everyday stuff. I was shocked because Jaelyn and Yazira were not friends even before all this drama.

"So you just going to keep walking away after you spill the juice, coffee, one of those drinks." I finally caught up to Jaelyn.

"It's tea, Axel. Spill the tea. Keep up."

"Soda, whatever. What happened?"

"Let's go somewhere private." We grabbed hands and walked to the staircase and sat on the windowsill.

"This is what happened..." She started.

Jaelyn's POV

"Hey Jaelyn, Erin." Neither one of us spoke up when Yazira said hey.

"I said hey." She said a little louded than before.

"Bitch neither one of us like you. Why you over here?" This hoe irked my soul. I thought we got rid of her but yet she found her way back in our lives.

"I just wanted to see how Nate was. How is he Erin?" She had her hand on her stomach gently rubbing her little bump or the lunch she ate earlier. She also had a little smirk on her face showing that she purposely asked Erin to mess with her.

"We're not together anymore." Erin was trying to hold back tears. If Yazira think she would get away with messing with my munchkin she got another thing coming.

You could do anything or say anything you wanted but once you bring up my man, my momma or my munchkin, it was a wrap. The only reason I didn't lay hands or many hands in her case is she was 'pregnant', but I promise if I caught her on there street after she dropped this baby, it's her ass.

"Aww...I didn't know. I was rooting for you guys at least until...well you know, what resulted in this baby." She chuckled. Like one of us made a joke.

"Stop your lying yuck mouth. We all know you don't know who the baby daddy is." I heard Erin laugh.

"I do know. They are narrowed down to a couple guys. Marshaun, Nate, Ax..." She started counting on her fingers like it was an achievement that she 'narrowed it down.'

"Listen here Yuczira. Why don't you, your stiff ass weave and all that 'baby' stuff you just stole and get the fuck out of here, before I forget you 'pregnant' and stomp your fucking face." It's true Yazira was a klepto, bitch stay stealing. Money, clothes, your man.

"Fine. I also wanted to invite you to my baby shower." This bitch is like five seconds 'pregnant' and she already planning a baby shower. I mean of course she had to. She didn't have any friends left. She either screwed them or screwed them over.

"You can't be that dumb." Erin spoke up and I was shocked. That's right babygirl.

"Let me explain this in a way you'll understand. wE aReN't YoUr FrIeNdS. gO aWAy." Like nobody can be this dumb or this naive. Did she think we would be cool after what happened. She's delusional.

"Whatever, I know when I'm not wanted. I'm leaving."

"Bye bitch." I waved her off.

"Buh bye."

"Please tell me she did not invited us to her raggedy ass baby shower." I was tired of her fake ass.

"I'm so done with her." Erin started playing with her icee in her cup. I could tell this affected her.

"Me too. You ready to go back shopping?"

"Yes. I need some retail therapy to get over that 'hoel' situation."

"Ohh...kay." we got our things and headed back to shopping.

End Of Jaelyn's POV (Back To Axel's POV)

"And that's what happened." I needed to tell her what happened between me and Yazira. It was weighing heavy on my conscience.

"Jaelyn, I have to tell you something about Yazira." I was just going to tell her now. I felt like Yazira would just tell her just to piss Jaelyn off and mess up our relationship.

"I don't care. I'm tried of her relevancy in my life. I hear more about her now than before all this drama. I'm done with Yucky."

"But Jaelyn, I need to tell you..." The bell rung and interrupted our conversation.

"Six more months of this." She started to walk away.

"Jaelyn." I reached out and grabbed her hand.

"The Bell has rung. Go to class." A random teacher said.

"Let's go, I got a practice test." She slipped her hand from mine.

"Jaelyn wait."

"We'll talk later." She leaned over and pecked me once on the lips.

So much for telling her. I guess it would have to wait. I know I would have to tell her soon because I would hate for her to find out any other way and mess up with her. I just hope I still have time before it blows up in my face. The only thing I can do now is wait.
A/N: Mei wasn't meant to be a permanent character she was just supposed to be in one or two chapters then she was supposed to disappear but since she was so popular with everybody I decided to make her permanent. When I find a girl who I want to be her I'll add her to the character description. Anyways hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!!!! 💋💋💋

PS. Just so you know some drama coming up soon, that may break a relationship up. This chapter is the calm before the storm. That's all I'm saying.

No Filter (Book 1 & Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें