
As Jungkook spat out the mouthwash he heard a knock on his bedroom door. Not really thinking twice about it, Jungkook walked out of his bathroom and opened the door.

It was Jimin....

Jungkook didn't say anything as he stared up at the older male who looked like he didn't sleep a wink, which was possibly the case. His eyes were red and puffy with dark bags under his eyes as he stared down at the younger boy with sadness. Jimin didn't say anything as he held a blanket around his naked torso tightly around his body.

Jungkook's breathing was getting heavy as he continued to stare at the older. Jungkook panicked and placed his hands on the door, pushing it so it would close.

But he didn't hear it slam....

Jungkook looked up and he saw Jimin's hand on the doorknob, preventing it from closing. Jungkook let a quiet sob as he used all of his strength to close the door, but the older male was too strong.

"P-please..." Jimin muttered.

Jungkook shook his head violently as tears overflowed his eyes.

"It hurts..." Jungkook thought.

"Please... Jungkook...." Jimin was now inside the room as Jungkook backed up until he hit the wall.

Jungkook was sobbing hysterically as Jimin got closer. Jungkook put his hands in front of him to push Jimin away from him, but Jimin grabbed his wrists and wrapped this around his waist.

"No!!" Jungkook screamed as Jimin wrapped his own arms around his tiny body, softly swaying them side to side. Jungkook continued to cry as Jimin softly stroked his soft brown hair. Jimin whispered "I'm sorry'" into his ear as Jungkook's sobs seemed to dial down a bit.

Finally, Jungkook's breathing was normal, as hiccups and a few muffled sniffles could be heard as his face was smushed against Jimin's chest.

"Jungkook?" Jimin spoke.

Jungkook tensed up but he looked up to meet his master's eyes. Jimin stroked his hair again as he stared into Jungkook big, doe eyes, "I'm sorry..." he whispered one last time. Jungkook didn't know what to do....

The love of his life.... raped him....

And he could forgive him... in just a blink of an eye....


Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows as he recalled everything Jimin had done to him.... called him names, made fun of him, made him feel weak....

Not today...

Jungkook looked up at Jimin before he said...

"Get your hands off of me...."

Jimin was taken aback at the sudden tone in Jungkook's voice.

"W-what?" Jimin muttered.

"P-please.... just...." Jungkook felt tears in his eyes but he quickly blinked them away.

"Get.... off" he whispered as he gently took Jimin's hands off of his waist, leaving the raven haired man to stand there in shock. They both stared at each other until Jimin spoke up, "J-Jin wants to see you.... get ready in 10...." and with that... he trudged out of the room, a door closing could be heard down the hall after a few seconds.

Jungkook let his tears fall once Jimin was out of his sight.

"T-that was the right thing.... you did the right thing..." Jungkook told himself as he walked inside his bathroom, turning on the shower as he removed his clothes. He stepped inside, feeling the icy cold water run down his chest, but he couldn't feel anything as he slowly slid down the wall and pulled his knees to his chest.

"Please tell me I did the right thing Eomma..."
Jungkook sobbed out as he sat there in the shower.
(Time skip)

"Jungkook-ah? Are you alright? You've been limping a lot lately" Jin commented as he studied Jungkook, who was sitting on a chair inside Jin's office, drinking banana milk.
Jungkook froze as he stared at Jin who was looking at him with concern, "n-no Jin-hyung, I-I just fell yesterday..." Jungkook didn't want to lie to Jin but, he didn't know how he could say what happened last night. Jin looked at him suspiciously before he sighed softly, he already knew that Jungkook was lying but he just thought that he didn't want to talk about it so he let it slide.

Jin stood up from his chair when a woman entered his office.

"Hello! May I help you?" Jin said charmingly as he smiled at the young woman. The lady blushed slightly from Jin's beauty and motioned to the boxes that were being pushed inside on a cart.

"W-we're just dropping off some packages that are in the building...." She spoke softly as he fiddled with the hem of her red buttoned down shirt.

Jin smiled wider as he looked over at Jungkook, "Jungkook-ah, please help this wonderful young lady with the boxes~" Jin said as he walked around his desk to help as well. Jungkook nodded and placed his banana milk on a side table before he walked over to the cart full of boxes.

The lady's blush turned a deeper shade of red from the sudden compliment that Jin had given her as she watched the two men gather the boxes. Jungkook grabbed a small box that seemed lighter than usual but he made a straining noise as he lifted the box off of the cart.

"Woah Jungkook, are you alright?" Jin said as he immediately went over to Jungkook and grabbed the box from his hands with ease, placing it on top of his desk as he placed a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook stood up straight as he felt slightly dizzy, the room swaying side to side as he tried to maintain his balance.

"Jungkook?" Jin asked again as he gently held Jungkook's cheeks and made him look up at him. Jungkook swayed softly as he whispered.


Jin reacted quickly as Jungkook collapsed into his arms, panicking slightly as he saw how pale the younger boy turned in a matter of seconds.

Jin turned around to see the woman staring at Jungkook with a mixture of worry and shock in her eyes as Jungkook laid there.

"Call the ambulance!" Jin yelled.


Sorry 😂

Thank you for 2K reads in my other book btw~!

I'm still sick as hell 👌

Now I'm going to take a nap and watch meteor garden (anyone else who watches that show?)

I purple you~! 💜

I purple you~! 💜

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