Forty Seven

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The party continued. Jay held Tracy's grip firmly. There was no hiding anymore. They made their way through the congratulating crowd. The paparazzi was having a field day. Two crazy announcements in one night. Through the sea of happy , confused faces and camera flashes, they made their way to Jay's family table. Jay really wanted to see his father's reaction.

Defeat would look odd but good on his father's face. Jay had fantasized about this moment all his life. The time had finally come to hear those three magical words, "well done, son!" .

Unfortunately for Jay, his feat hadn't boggled his father. He was, instead met with a scorn.

"Son, may I have a word with you in private?"

"Of course," Jay said, smirking.

James took his son to the side.

"What are you out of your mind?! Marrying some tramp just like that, not even consulting us? Who is this woman?! I've never even heard of her. Do you think she's going to just come into the family and we'll accept her? I don't think so. I spelt it out clearly for you. Marry Bridget. But no, you just won't listen to me. You've disappointed me, yet again. To think I was almost proud of you. Huh. Guess that's just not in yout blood," James said, ending his monologue with a scoff.

Jay was fuming till the end. He had an obvious epiphany. No matter what he did, even if he ended up becoming President of the World, his dad was just not going to be happy. That very moment, Jay resolved in his head, loud and clear. He had nothing to prove to anyone, least of all, his dad. He was done chasing the seal of approval. He really was done.

"Oh really? You think you're one to tell? Lets jog your memory a little, huh? At 22, Sidney Scott becomes the youngest CEO of Scott industries. You took such a big decision, when all along, you made believe that I was going to be the next CEO. You betrayed me, dad. Was there a consultation? I don't think so! You potentially changed my entire life and didn't even think about me. And as far as Scott Industries is concerned, I don't care about your stupid company. I stopped caring when I was so brutally thrown out. For you to expect me to care about your stupid company is just comical. UniTech is my life now. Scott Industries can go mind its own damn business, and watch its back too. Because the new Vice President is here, and it doesn't look too good."

Jay walked back to Tracy.

"Come on baby. We don't need these people any more. They claim to be family but really they're just a bunch of selfish individuals with similar genes."

Tracy quietly followed his lead. She had two minutes with May Scott, who was extremely icy to her. Katherine wasn't very friendly either. Sidney felt bad for her. Poor girl, didn't know what she was getting into. He was also confused because he thought Tara would be the one Jay would get engaged to.

The cheer was subsiding. Jay chatted up with important people. Finally after he was exhausted he looked for George and Amelia and in turn, also saw the one person he wasn't expecting- kissing another man of course.

"Hey man!" Theo greeted, grinning almost creepily. It was loud enough to stop Tara from looking at Mandy and look at Jay instead. They locked eyes for just one moment. Tracy had gone to meet her sister. It was just Jay, alone. Tara's heart began to thump.

For a moment Jay was stunned. He didn't know how to react. He wasn't prepared. It all went back to the day he was first declared Vice President. It was Tara's birthday. He was so happy. That day was the happiest and saddest day of his life, at the same time. But he had moved on. He passed a weak smile to Tara. And then he realized she was wearing the dress he had gifted her. It was just like the day they had last told each other that they loved each other. It almost seemed as if destiny was not done with them yet and they were about to pick up right where they left from.

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