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"Push Tara, you've got to push harder!" Jay tried to encourage Tara who was going through insufferable pain.

"Fuck you Jay. Go away. I am never having your kids again."

"Come on, we're almost there- ooh! I see a head. I SEE A HEAD. ONE OF THEM'S HERE!" Jay was amazed by the miracle (no pun intended) of birth.

"She's here! She's here! SHE'S HERE!!!" Jay jumped up and down as he witnessed his daughter take birth.

Within a few minutes, their son had taken birth too. Two babies. Jay heard them cry for the first time and he thought his heart would explode. Even their crying sounded so melodious. He kissed Tara who was still breathing heavily and recouping from the pain.  Tara thought she was going to pass out from the excruciating pain. But  the moment she saw her children for the first time, she felt nothing but pure joy. She felt the same way as she had felt with Miracle. Only this time, she didn't have to go through the child birth process alone. Jay was there, all throughout, taking care of the littlest of things. And not just during the child birth, Jay had been super supportive from the moment Tara found out that she was really pregnant.

Jay rushed out to the waiting room where everyone had gathered. Tara's parents, his mother, Miracle, Heather, and Olivia- they were all there, waiting for the good news.

Jay nodded happily. "They're here and they're both healthy. And Tara's doing well too!"

He heard everyone break into relief at that moment. The tension had been diffused. After twenty six hours in labour, finally the kids had been born.  Twins. One of each kind.

Everyone rushed inside to see the two kids. Tara was in her bed, resting. While Jay and Dr. Maxwell rushed to see the children, Estelle and May went to check up on Tara.

"How are you?" May asked

"So , so exhausted. I mean one child is fine, but giving birth to two kids in one go. Atrocious. These kids will never hear the end of it."

"Oh trust me, I know," Estelle said and the three of them chuckled.

"Miracle, come here. Don't you want to see your sister and brother?"

The twelve year old kid was a little timid. She saw her two siblings lying in the tiny cot and pursed her lips.

"Aren't they cute?" Heather asked.

"Very," she said, quietly.


"I want you to meet Amnesty Estelle Maxwell-Scott and Amour Maybelle Maxwell-Scott. They've both been named after two of the most powerful ladies we know," Tara said as she addressed the little gathering at her house, a few days later. She was holding Amour in her arms, while Jay was all cuddled up with Amnesty. He was still adjusting to the idea of being a parent to two infants. One kid was fine, but two? No sooner would one stop crying than the other would start. But for a one brief moment, when Jay would manage to put both of them to sleep, he would observe them peacefully and in that moment Jay felt a different kind of love for them.

Amour looked like him a lot but he had Tara's eyes. Amnesty got his eyes and nose but she looked like a spitting image of her mother. Even though he was exhausted from the parenting, Jay would reminisce all the ways in which their lives had changed in the past few years.

He quit his job at UniTech and moved to Houston to live with Tara. Tara encouraged him to do what he had always wanted to do- travel and write. So that's what Jay did. He travelled and travelled and then travelled some more. And he jotted down his entire experience, until he had enough to convert into an anthology of essays. Two years later, he had his first book ever, titled, "Travel, See, Write:  collection of essays of the wanderer,  for the wanderer, by the wanderer".

His book was doing pretty well in the market and he was finally pursuing his dream. He was never fond of the corporate world, and he realized after a very long time that he didn't have to be a part of it.

But if Jay's dreams were out of the corporate world , Tara's were out of the entire world. She soared to newer heights in her job with Dawson and Coop- handling some of the most important legal work that directly concerned NASA. Both of them were living their dreams after having gone through a lot of trials and tribulations. And they were doing it together.

It seemed as though with every passing day they were getting even more fondof each other. Times were tough when Jay was travelling and Tara was alone and new at her job. But they had nothing but support for each other's dreams and goals and Jay was ready to drop all his travel plans in case Tara needed help managing her job and Miracle.

After Jay felt like he had toured as many countries he could, he retired to their little home in Houston and wrote about his experiences. It was a very fulfilling experience.

They were finally living the life of a married couple with children. They'd come a long way from their first date. There were ups and certainly twice the number of downs but what mattered was that they ended up together. It was a complete and beautiful continuation of their love story.


Sometimes Sidney and Katherine would visit Jay and Tara with their kids and Jay's mom. Both the brothers had renewed their relationship, overcoming all the rifts that their father had caused between them. Tara's parents moved to the east coast as well. Her mom was a frequent guest in Houston, helping out with the kids as much as she could. She had missed Miracle's childhood but wanted to be there for Amnesty and Amour. Tara's broken relationship with her parents was slowly healing.

It seemed that life was plunging ahead at a fast pace, so much had happened in so few years. It had been a complete one eighty since they had met each other. But even as life raced them, they always found certain moments where life seemed to slow down, take a pause, and smell the flowers. Summers in Rhode Island was one such instance. It had become tradition for the Maxwell-Scotts to spend their summers in Jay's Rhode Island house. After a hectic rest-of-the-year, both of them would escape to the house overlooking the beach to unwind. They observed many a summer sunset by just walking by the shore, holding hands and feeling completely at peace in each other's company. It was everything the two had hoped for, and more.

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