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Jay wanted to pinch himself so hard because he was so sure she it was a nightmare. Verita freaking Maxwell, in the same class as him?! The airport feud was okay, having her mom as his orthodontist was still acceptable , but having to see her every single thursday  for a year and a half was pushing it.

Mrs. Patel had three batches daily, which meant  fifteen batches to choose from, and yet she had to end up in the same one as him. Talk about sucky  luck!

Jay fake smiled at Verita. He was the last person to actually be happy standing in the same room with her. She fake smiled back, as if to say "isn't it just thrilling to have the misfortune of running into you all the time?"

"Since Ananya dropped Geography-  shocking, I know, but apparently her school had some three strikes policy- a spot opened up and I immediately  called Verita, because she's a very bright kid. She's been on top of her class every single year. We're so happy to have you here , Verita," Mrs. Patel explained.

"So happy," Jay pretended. Verita sensed the sarcasm.

"Yeeaahh . Me tooo,"Verita chirped.

"I'm gonna give you kids time to get to know each other. We have  fifteen minutes before class starts. And Verita, if you need anything, Jay is one of my best students. He'll help you in anyway that you require. Won't you Jay?"

"Ofcourse. Anytime,  Verita," Jay smirked.

As soon  as Mrs. Patel left the room, Jay frowned.

"This is unbelievable. Are you following me or something?" he gasped.

"Haha. You wish, honey."

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I can ask you the same thing. Why do you have to keep walking into  my life? Haven't I made it clear enough that I'd like to see less of you?"

" Yeah I'm not particularly  praying to see more of you either."

"Good. Then leave me the hell alone."

"I will, as soon as you get out of my seat."


"The first bench. That's my seat. Go sit somewhere else."

"I'm not moving. I came here first. You go sit somewhere else."

"Lift your big fat ass off my seat."

"Make me."

Frustrated remarks shot  from one mouth  to another. Neither was willing to reach an amicable decision.

"Fine. I'm just going to sit next to you and annoy the hell out of you till you move."

"I'd like to see you try."

Verita's backpack was on the seat next to hers. Jay lifted it and dumped it on the side. Verita rolled her eyes and continued doing her homework.  There was plenty of space for Jay to go to his seat from the front of the desk where Verita was sitting, yet only to cause Verita inconvenience  he went from the back. Verita didn't budge to make space for him to go in, and he was stuck between the desk that was behind  and Verita's chair.  So he pushed her chair , to get to the seat next to hers.

Before he could slide completely,  she lifted the chair and went back with a jerk, stabbing Jay's foot  with one of the legs of the chair in the process.

"Oops.. sorry Jay. Maybe if you had walked to your seat from the front, guess this wouldn't have happened," she said, sweetly.

Jay let out an irritated groan as he begrudgingly  took his seat. He slammed his water bottle on the table and slammed his books  after taking them out too.  He had a revenge plan for the toe  stabber, in his mind.

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