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The three of them had a fairly good time. The clock struck twelve and Jay entered the big thirty. They celebrated the occasion , drank a little more and laughed a lot. It had been quite some time since Jay had felt so much at peace and it was probably in a long time that he was actually looking forward to his birthday.

After a while George took leave. It was about 1 am. Both Jay and Tara were slightly drunk and light headed, but completely in their senses.

After a little while, Tara spoke, "I guess I should leave too now. How about we meet tomorrow?"

Without giving it one thought , Jay said, "no don't go. Stay , please," in a child like tone.


"Spend the night with me."

"Ohh , now I get it. I completely understand. I know what you want-"

"No Tara, I'm not talking about sex. I just want to spend the night with you, talking, or whatever else, as long as you're there. "

Tara blush-smiled. In all her years of knowing men, most of them had wanted to get into bed with her. Jay was being a real gentleman, he was taking it the right way, the way that Tara had always approved. He was giving them the chance to know each other, before taking her to a hotel room and undressing her.

"Let's get outta here," Jay whispered in her ear, as he moved closer.

Outside the club, the air was soothing and refreshing. A cold gust of autumn wind blew. The yellow and orange leaves rustled and Jay shivered, as they both stepped out onto the sidewalk. They began to walk ahead, the leaves producing a crunching sound beneath them. Tara was swinging her umbrella from her fingers as they walked , in no specific direction.

"Tara, thank you for staying."

"Shut up Jay, stop thanking me. The birthday boy is like a bride on her wedding day. One cannot simply say no to the bride on her wedding day."

"You're the nicest Tara. You know, I usually spend my birthdays alone."

"Not even with your parents?"

"My parents live in Rhode Island. They hardly ever fly down to meet me. I hardly have friends , just work colleagues. That's basically who I am- a loner."

"Sssh ssh. Don't call yourself that. Anyone who's friends with Tara isn't allowed to say that."

"Ahhh, good Lord, save me! I just got friendzoned."

Tara giggled as she gently slapped his shoulder.

"You're such a dork."

"And you're a charming lady."

"Flirting, flirting, all the time," Tara said, rolling her eyes.

"Like I said before. I'm not flirting, I'm just being frank."

"Okay Honest Man, could you be honest enough to tell me where we're headed?"

"Nowhere in particular?"

"What? So you have nothing in your mind? Do we intend on just walking around the streets of the city like aimless humans?"

Jay knew that as long as Tara was by his side he wouldn't mind it.

"Yeah," he answered simply.

"No. Let's do something adventurous Jay!"

"I'm not in college Tara. I'm quite old to do that -"

"Yeah you're a ninety year old trapped in a thirty 's body. Or that's how you sound. Even Brian sounds younger than you."


"Jay. How can you be satisfied with just walking around the city when there are so many things you'd rather do. So many places you could crash, so many properties you could trespass on or sneak into. So many memories you could make, and all you want is a walk!"

"Wow , for someone who's job is getting people out of trouble, it's weird that you fancy getting into trouble that much. "

"Yeah, that's what I love doing. Getting into trouble and then saving my own ass. It's awesome being a lawyer, you get to be your own saviour."

"I'm pretty sure what you said is fun and all. But I'd rather not spend the night of my birthday in jail and break my record."

"What? You've never been arrested?"

Jay shook his head once while saying, "never."

"Well then it's high time you cause a little trouble. How exciting it is, to spend the night in jail. Just you and me and some other people who were also living their lives to the fullest . And by tomorrow morning, I'll get us both out. "

"Not tonight, Tara. Tonight, let's do something like sit on a rooftop, eat some pizza- I'm hungry anyways - and get some beer. And look at the city beneath us and the stars above us - something peaceful like that."

"Don't you even start with the 'look at the stars ' bullshit, Jay. That sounds romantic only in the movies. IRL it's just something boring and overused. I'm telling you , let's do something more fun and memorable."

"Let's flip a coin then."

"Wow, we're letting a piece of metal decide our plans for tonight. Amazing, go ahead" Tara said with a drop of sarcasm.

Jay fished out a quarter cent from his pocket.

"Heads or tails?"

"Heads, " Tara replied, reluctantly.

"Okay , one .. two.. three-"
And Jay flipped the coin and trapped it in his palms.

"Please be heads, please be heads," Tara said , focussing her voice on Jay's palms.

Jay lifted his top hand and saw the side of the coin and shut it quickly again, before Tara could see.

"Heads," Jay said quietly.


"Just kidding, it's tails, look!"

Sure enough it was.


Jay gave a loud laugh. Eventually Tara began to laugh too.

"Don't worry Tara, this is not going to be as boring as it might seem. You've got to take a little detour from being bizzare, sometimes, you know?"

"Okay. Birthday Boy. Just so you know, it's not that easy to convince me. But I'll listen to you this time."

Jay gave a wide smile.

"So, which of one of these rooftops will be the venue of our little detour?" Tara asked, pointing at all the buildings that were all lighted up.

"There's this one place , actually. There's this one place where I 've always wanted to go. Come on." Jay grabbed Tara's hand and she held onto it tightly and off they went onto their little post midnight second date.

Hey everyone!
Next update on Friday 4th November!! :D

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