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Avi had become the Head Boy and Jay dropped back into his old life. But his heroic act of quitting the election forever changed his equation with Verita. She was starting to grow fond of him, for real this time. It was no secret, to her at least, that he had quit for her. Jay's dad, James Scott was infuriated when he found out. He mocked his son quite publically when he found out. But Jay felt inner satisfaction. He continued to work on his travel magazine. When the criticism got too much, he would rant to his grandmother. Aside from that, everything was going well.

Avi threw a big party after he was formally declared as the Head Boy. Everyone was drunk. Jay and Riya were dating and they seemed happy together, which would twinge Verita a little. She had her chance and she blew it. But she was happy about the fact that her bestfriend was dating the sweetest guy she had ever met. She saw them, arm in arm, talking to the other party goers, kissing each other and joyous. What she didn't notice was Jay stealing glances at her when she wasn't looking. Naturally.

What neither Jay nor Verita noticed was the chemistry between Riya and 10th grade playboy Dev. After Jay gave up on everything that he had worked for with Riya, for Verita, she realized he was not into her at all. His heart was still stuck on Verita. At the same time, Dev and her were starting to grow warm to each other. Riya hated Dev because he was a pervert who objectified women. But lately she realized that he had a soft side that was shadowed by his macho act. They had been chatting over Facebook for a while. Initially she was reluctant because Jay and her were going at a good pace, but on a few nights when Jay was busy and she was free, she gave into the temptation and messaged Dev. They had five hour long conversations sometimes and Dev was starting to open up to her. It was not all bad.

Everyone was tipsy that night. The party died down eventually and it had become mellow. Dev had passed out and Riya smiled to herself as she saw him, lying on the couch. Somebody decided to play Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. Just as the music started, Avi was talking to a guy and Verita stood in a corner, looking at all the couples very intimate with each other and smiled. Somewhere in her heart, she knew she could have had that too. But her sister had been reprimanded for having feelings for a guy. And she couldn't afford to be distracted, not when Board exams were near. But when they started playing Chasing Cars, her heart sank. It was the song Jay and her kissed to. That one intimate moment between them. Her eyes travelled across the room to look at Jay. His hands were on Riya's waist. He was looking at her, deeply absorbed into her.

She imagined what it would be like to have his hands on her waist instead. To wrap her hands around his neck, to linger her fingers across his nape. To kiss him again the way Riya was kissing him. Arms now around his waist, Riya put her head on Jay's shoulder.
Jay felt a wet patch on his shoulder, it was Riya, crying. He breathed slowly. A single tear dropped from his cheek too.

"Promise me, we'll always be friends?" Jay whispered in her ear, leaving goosebumps all over her back.

"Forever," she replied promptly.

"I can't thank you enough for what you've made me."

"Sshhh, I just want to enjoy this last dance with you."

And so after the four minute song ended, they hugged each other and held on tight for one brief moment. And then it was time to go. Riya left the party and didn't look back at Jay. Jay stared at his feet. Verita was confused for a moment. Why did Riya leave Jay in tears?

She went after Riya, who was waiting for her car outside Avi's house.
"Babe, what happened? Why are you crying? You didn't even say goodbye?"

"He's not into me, Veri. He's just not," Riya responded, her voice shaking.

"Did he say that to you?"

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