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"And this is it," Jay said motioning towards a huge building across the street from them.

"The tallest residential building in New York City? That's where you've always wanted to go?" Tara asked, raising an eyebrow. She didn't seem pleased or excited about the idea at all.

"Yes. I can see this building from my office window, and I've always wondered what it's like to sit on the top and just zone out from the rest of the world."

"Lame idea , Jay. Why can't we just go to the rooftop of your apartment building. Or my condo. Anything."

"Tara mine's tall too, but this - this is the tallest. Can you imagine the view from up there? "

"But this feels so weird, getting into someone else's property just for the sake of a good view. This won't be fun at all."

"It was your idea to trespass on property. I'm just giving a better way to do it, without us getting arrested."

"What makes you think that we won't get arrested if we're caught on this rooftop?"

"What makes you think that we will get arrested? We're doing nothing wrong, we're just- borrowing their space, we're not robbing anyone's house or anything, right? Besides, if we get arrested, atleast one of our's wishes would have come true."

"You're so weird. Why would you want to do this? This of all things? This is what you've always wanted to do? I'm telling you let's just go back to your place.."

"Tara, please?"

"If you wanted a good view, we could have just gone to the Empire State building. Why here?"

"You can't sit on the too of the Empire State building and eat pizza, Tara. It's so crowded. Plus it's shut right now. This place is peaceful, like a little world of our own, among the clouds."

"Okay. Okay. But you do realize that this place houses some very elite people. This is one of those buildings , with security guards at the entrance, who don't let people go in - look," Tara said, pointing to a security guard who was there at the entrance of the building.

"That," Jay said pausing, "is the real trouble. Now, how does one get access to the top of this building?"

"If they're a resident."

"Or they know a resident."

"Or they're Spiderman."

Jay gave a small laugh.

Tara continued, "since we're none , I say it's a bad idea and we should go."

"Let's give the security guard a twenty and see if that works."

"Won't work, Jay. These guys are really strict about who they give entry to. Money won't be enough to melt them."

Just as they stood there thinking, they saw a girl walking funnily on the sidewalk, approaching the building . She was a little far , but it was enough to let Jay know that she was a resident of the building and walking towards it. She looked like a teenager. A drunk teenager. And she was laughing. Her eyes were half shut and she couldn't walk straight.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking , Tara?"

"I can assure you that I'm not."

"Come on, let's get this young girl home."

They crossed the street and caught her just as she was about to fall. They lifted her up. Tara was on one side and Jay held her from the other. She began to laugh as she muttered a thank you while flirtatiously winking at Jay.

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